student ministry resources

Doin Work Series - DownloadYM

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Student ministry has become more excellent over the past few years. Leaders are blogging and sharing resources more than ever. Even the prices are lower!

I am a big fan of and Both websites provide quality resources at a good price. I'm contributing to them to help other ministries and leaders.

The newest resource I've added is a 5 week series of the book of James called, "Doin Work." 

Series Description:

WEEK 1: “WHEN LIFE GETS TOUGH” - God allows trials in life for us to grow in our faith

WEEK 2: “YOU MAD BRO?” - Everyone gets angry, but not everyone gets angry about things that matter.

WEEK 3: “FAITH WORKS” Show your faith by helping someone in need

WEEK 4: “DON’T BE A HATER” God looks at the heart.

WEEK 5: “TAMING THE BEAST” Our words reveal what is in our heart

Includes: Teaching notes, listening guides, discussion questions, graphics package, and bumper video.

Branding your Student Ministry

Recently I joined a roundtable discussion with a few great youth pastors! A few weeks ago I joined as a contributor and I'm excited about partnering with them in helping encourage others in student ministry. We discussed how to brand your ministry. We talked through the purposes of branding and shared helpful tips.  It was the first time I used Google+ hangout, but I can see how useful and fun it can be to collaborate and learn from other youth workers!

If you are looking for helpful resources to help you in student ministry, check out!