
Doin Work Series - DownloadYM

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Student ministry has become more excellent over the past few years. Leaders are blogging and sharing resources more than ever. Even the prices are lower!

I am a big fan of and Both websites provide quality resources at a good price. I'm contributing to them to help other ministries and leaders.

The newest resource I've added is a 5 week series of the book of James called, "Doin Work." 

Series Description:

WEEK 1: “WHEN LIFE GETS TOUGH” - God allows trials in life for us to grow in our faith

WEEK 2: “YOU MAD BRO?” - Everyone gets angry, but not everyone gets angry about things that matter.

WEEK 3: “FAITH WORKS” Show your faith by helping someone in need

WEEK 4: “DON’T BE A HATER” God looks at the heart.

WEEK 5: “TAMING THE BEAST” Our words reveal what is in our heart

Includes: Teaching notes, listening guides, discussion questions, graphics package, and bumper video.