
"I AM" Teaching Series - New Resource!

iam_thumbThe “I AM” statements of Jesus are some of the most pivotal moments of His earthly ministry. The book of John has one goal: that the world would believe Jesus is the Christ. Our identity determines how we live our lives. This series will paint a vibrant picture of the importance of finding our identity in Christ. This series is going to take an intentional look into the identity of Jesus. I AM will help students understand the heartbeat of Jesus and how they can be changed by His love.

Week 1 – “Hunger for Jesus” (Bread of Life) The Word: John 6:1-15, 24-40. Main Thought: We all have a spiritual hunger that only Jesus satisfies

Week 2 – “Flip the Switch” (Light of the world) The Word: John 8:12-20 Main Thought: Jesus is the light of the world and is to be taken to the nations. The light of Jesus promises you will never have to walk in darkness

Week 3 – “The Good Shepherd” The Word: John 10:11-18 Main Thought: Security comes through a relationship with Jesus

Week 4 – “Resurrection and Life” The Word: John 11:17-27, 28-35, 41-44. Main Thought: Jesus’ resurrection reveals hope eternally and in everyday pain.

Week 5 – “Way-Truth-Life” The Word: John 14:1-14 Main Thought: Jesus is the only way to salvation.

Week 6 – “The Vine" John 15 Main Thought: Growth happens when we remain in Christ.

To download, check it out at! 

Connect Student Ministry to the Home

youthmin_1329326296_600How do we connect with parents? How do we help make parents the heroes in the home? How do we practically partner with parents? How do we help communicate with the family in today's busy culture?

I'm grateful to be able to contribute to one of the best student ministry communities, called! - youthmin resources - youthmin facebook group 

I shared a blog post on 7 ways to connect the student ministry to the home. Check it out and join the conversation!

Contribution. A New Journey

I've recently begun to contribute to a few youth ministry websites. I enjoy blogging and hope to one day write a book (e-book maybe?). I originally started a blog in 2007 to share my journey in ministry. Over the years, God has helped me learn more about who He is and who I am. I've also learned a lot from other youth pastors who blog.

I've joined with one of the best youth ministry sites out there: I'm regularly sharing blog posts hoping to encourage youth workers!

Below are a few blog posts I've shared: Why Should I Read the Bible? Letter to Volunteers. Branding your Student Ministry

More Than Dodgeball - Youth Ministry Blog

I also wrote a guest post "How to give advice to students" for one of my favorite websites by Josh Griffin. It is a great website to check out and learn about student ministry. Josh includes a lot of guest bloggers like me to continue the conversation! 

What are some blogs you are reading?