Mission Trip

Costa Rica Mission Trip!

puravidalogoWe are beyond excited for our Costa Rica mission trip! We are partnering with Pura Vida Missions. We look forward to heading down with 31 awesome people from Church @ The Springs.

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We are headed to Costa Rica to share the love of Jesus Christ. If you are looking for a solid mission trip for your student ministry, check out Pura Vida Missions! 

Would you pray for us this week? Pray that lives would be changed in San Ramon by Jesus. Pray that our team will have a new understanding of the worldwide picture of the gospel Pray for safety as we go into 6 different villages per day to lead Bible clubs for children and students.

Pura Vida! Not an event, but a LIFE!

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The heart of serving

God has shown me through going on a mission trip to Puerto Rico that serving begins with a surrendered heart to God. Many times my struggle is to "do" ministry and to work hard at it but miss the time to focus and prepare my heart. Listening to the promptings of the Holy Spirit is the only way to truly please God in ministry. My goal lately has been to keep it simple and listen to God.

I want to remind you today to stop and listen to God. Are you in tune with God's heart and the needs of those around you?

It has been a blessing to watch students grow and mature in their relationship with God. Mission trips are one of the best ways to help students and parents see the true need for missions. Seeing the growth in many of their lives during this past year has been awesome. My prayer is that the students will catch a vision in their heart to think "big" with their lives to serve God.

My prayer is that I will think "outside the box" and be willing to do whatever it takes in my personal life, my marriage, ministry, and beyond to make disciples of Jesus Christ.

Update on Life

Summer is upon us! I'm planning on getting back to a routine of posting more thoughts on life and ministry. For all of my 2 or maybe 3 readers, I will more coming!

  • Lately, I've been spending a lot of time planning and praying about message series, events, small group growth, leader recruitment and more!
  • Personally, I've been feeling a lot better since my two procedures a few weeks ago. God has blessed me with family and friends that REALLY pray! My blood count and iron level is coming up. Praise the Lord!
  • I'm heading to wedding #3 of the summer this weekend. I'm heading to one of my best friends, Chris Miller's wedding in Sacramento, CA. I'm super excited for him! He has been a faithful friend to me and I appreciate him. I've never been to California, so I look forward to checking out the "left coast."
  • I'm heading to Puerto Rico on June 5th with 30 students/parents to go and build homes and share Christ with World Changers! Pray for the group and that God uses us in a mighty way to share the love and gospel of Christ.
  • Thankful for an awesome wife! She wrote a new worship song yesterday that was great! Praying that God will use her in a mighty way and provide opportunities to sing and write for His glory.
  • Staying fixed upon loving Jesus and others is my desire over the summer. I pray that many relationships are strengthened this summer!