Update on Life

Summer is upon us! I'm planning on getting back to a routine of posting more thoughts on life and ministry. For all of my 2 or maybe 3 readers, I will more coming!

  • Lately, I've been spending a lot of time planning and praying about message series, events, small group growth, leader recruitment and more!
  • Personally, I've been feeling a lot better since my two procedures a few weeks ago. God has blessed me with family and friends that REALLY pray! My blood count and iron level is coming up. Praise the Lord!
  • I'm heading to wedding #3 of the summer this weekend. I'm heading to one of my best friends, Chris Miller's wedding in Sacramento, CA. I'm super excited for him! He has been a faithful friend to me and I appreciate him. I've never been to California, so I look forward to checking out the "left coast."
  • I'm heading to Puerto Rico on June 5th with 30 students/parents to go and build homes and share Christ with World Changers! Pray for the group and that God uses us in a mighty way to share the love and gospel of Christ.
  • Thankful for an awesome wife! She wrote a new worship song yesterday that was great! Praying that God will use her in a mighty way and provide opportunities to sing and write for His glory.
  • Staying fixed upon loving Jesus and others is my desire over the summer. I pray that many relationships are strengthened this summer!