The heart of serving

God has shown me through going on a mission trip to Puerto Rico that serving begins with a surrendered heart to God. Many times my struggle is to "do" ministry and to work hard at it but miss the time to focus and prepare my heart. Listening to the promptings of the Holy Spirit is the only way to truly please God in ministry. My goal lately has been to keep it simple and listen to God.

I want to remind you today to stop and listen to God. Are you in tune with God's heart and the needs of those around you?

It has been a blessing to watch students grow and mature in their relationship with God. Mission trips are one of the best ways to help students and parents see the true need for missions. Seeing the growth in many of their lives during this past year has been awesome. My prayer is that the students will catch a vision in their heart to think "big" with their lives to serve God.

My prayer is that I will think "outside the box" and be willing to do whatever it takes in my personal life, my marriage, ministry, and beyond to make disciples of Jesus Christ.