Liberty Theological Seminary

Update on life

Life has been flying by lately...

  • We are moving into our house this weekend! It is our first home, so we are excited
  • Almost finished with the first half of the semester for seminary - 2-3 papers a week is wearing on me!
  • Youth Pastor Summit was awesome - favorite speaker was David Ferguson - He prayed with me and really spoke into my life.
  • Right after the conference on day 1, they give out free tickets to Islands of Adventure/Universal Studios! We got to ride the Hulk twice! Had a great time bringing my wife, Cassidy and friends Josh and Ellen!!

  • Baptizing two students this Sunday - thankful to see God changing lives!
  • Cassidy's new CD "New Day" is in process of being duplicated - PRE-ORDER a CD!
  • Heidi (golden retriever puppy) is growing fast! I'm training her to be a good gun dog!
  • Finishing up plans for a Disciple-NOW beach retreat on April 9-11! Excited to have a weekend focused on students learning to live a lifestyle of worship. My brother Jeff is coming to speak, younger brother Justin will lead "Late Nite" and Tim and Em will lead worship!
  • Praying for our Puerto Rico Mission trip this June. I'm taking 31 students and parents for a week to build homes and share the gospel.
  • Last but not least. At the conference this last few days, I saw some great hairstyles, outfits and looks of youth pastors! I love what I'm able to do and enjoy hanging out with youth workers. The video below is awesome and very true!

Update on life

Panama City Beach, FL

Life has been busy lately. I'm getting close to completing my Master's degree through Liberty Seminary. I just finished another class and have a week break until I begin the next! God has been good to me and I have been stretched to grow in my knowledge and understanding of ministry.

Me and my beautiful wife has the chance to spend time with some special friends this past weekend. God has blessed me with some close relationships in my life. We had a great time hanging out and catching on life. Next, we went down to a Disciple-Now weekend in Panama City Beach, FL. It was nice to be able to be a Bible study leader and not be in charge. I had some great moments with the students and pray they were challenged to live for Christ with all of their heart. One of the girls in Cassidy's group gave her life to Christ! One aspect of ministry that keeps me moving and focused, is people coming to know Christ! Also, we had some students and parents baptized at church this past Sunday! (while I was gone for the D-NOW). It is great to be a part of people coming to know Christ.

Overall, life is great. Marriage rocks. Student ministry is my passion.

I am blessed.