Cassidy Robinson

iCHRISTmas Album!

I don't know about you, but I enjoy music. My wife is a singer/songwriter and loves to honor Jesus with it. She diligently writes her own music every week. I am thankful she is using her gifts to bring glory to God (of course, I am biased!) She just finished a Christmas album this past week. iCHRISTmas is an acoustic EP completely recorded on the iPhone 4.

Also, you can download her "New Day" Album on I-Tunes

To go and download it click on the link below!

Monday Minute

It has been a while since my last "Monday Minute" posting! I have been real focused on life lately and not as much on my blog.

  • I'm feeling the overload bearing down on me from taking two seminary classes at at time. I'm taking two classes every 8 weeks, so that means at least 2-3 papers a week. I'm learning a lot but I'm pumped to graduate with a MAR in Christian Leadership (Liberty Theological Seminary) at the end of the summer. I might keep going...praying about it. Any advice here?
  • Cassidy's new CD "New Day" is out and people are enjoying it! Her CD Release party this past Friday was awesome! Praying that God takes her music and uses it for His glory!
  • I led a "new believer's" group with students yesterday during small group time. It was exciting to disciple over 10 new believers and encourage them to walk with Jesus and grow in Him.
  • Me and Cassidy are heading to Daytona Beach, FL this weekend (Thursday-Saturday) for a quick trip to celebrate her birthday and see her mom and sister. I hope to surf (hope some waves show up), REST, hang out and spend quality time with my wonderful wife.
  • Excited to see my Mom this weekend, she is leading a women's retreat in Florida, so we'll get to hang out with her on Mother's Day!
  • Please pray for me - I'm having an EGD procedure done next Tuesday. Praying that they find why I am having trouble with eating/swallowing/tightness in my throat. It has been going on for about a year now and I'm praying that it will be relieved.

Monday Minute

Life has been busy lately with moving into our home and ministry! Here are a few quick updates to life:

  • Moved into our new home and have really enjoyed having our own place. Cassidy is doing a great job of decorating!
  • Leaving at 4:45am in the morning to take a group of students and parents deep sea fishing in Destin, Florida! The goal is to build relationships and catch some great fish!
  • Cassidy is enjoying being a substitute teacher!
  • Cassidy's new CD "New Day" is coming out in April! We are really excited about it and the potential it has to bring glory to Christ! If you want to pre-order one, click HERE.
  • It has been awesome to see students come to know Christ in the past few months. Praying for God to continue to move in hearts and see more salvation and growth in their lives!
  • I'm blessed to have many people in my life that encourage me often.
  • Thankful for a loving church family and staff to work with each week.
  • I'm trying to get back on a workout routine and am planning on drinking protein shakes each day to gain back some weight (and muscle) hopefully.
  • March Madness has been crazy! My brackets are not doing so well, but I'm enjoying watching some great basketball.
  • I'm beginning a new series called "Shift" - Focusing on the cross and the days leading up to Jesus' crucifixion. Praying that students shift their focus to the real meaning of the cross and resurrection!
  • I'm beginning my next two seminary classes this week. I'm learning a lot and am being challenged to manage time wisely.
  • Thankful for God's grace - I'm praying that I would decrease and that He would increase in my life and relationships.