Update on life

Life has been flying by lately...

  • We are moving into our house this weekend! It is our first home, so we are excited
  • Almost finished with the first half of the semester for seminary - 2-3 papers a week is wearing on me!
  • Youth Pastor Summit was awesome - favorite speaker was David Ferguson - He prayed with me and really spoke into my life.
  • Right after the conference on day 1, they give out free tickets to Islands of Adventure/Universal Studios! We got to ride the Hulk twice! Had a great time bringing my wife, Cassidy and friends Josh and Ellen!!

  • Baptizing two students this Sunday - thankful to see God changing lives!
  • Cassidy's new CD "New Day" is in process of being duplicated - PRE-ORDER a CD!
  • Heidi (golden retriever puppy) is growing fast! I'm training her to be a good gun dog!
  • Finishing up plans for a Disciple-NOW beach retreat on April 9-11! Excited to have a weekend focused on students learning to live a lifestyle of worship. My brother Jeff is coming to speak, younger brother Justin will lead "Late Nite" and Tim and Em will lead worship!
  • Praying for our Puerto Rico Mission trip this June. I'm taking 31 students and parents for a week to build homes and share the gospel.
  • Last but not least. At the conference this last few days, I saw some great hairstyles, outfits and looks of youth pastors! I love what I'm able to do and enjoy hanging out with youth workers. The video below is awesome and very true!