The TACO and Student Ministry

crunchy_tacoAdult volunteers are the foundation of the student ministry. They are the heroes I work with each week who pour God's love into the hearts of students. I am always praying and looking for leaders each week who have a heart for this generation.

But the process of finding, discovering and connecting leaders can be a confusing process for youth workers and the volunteers. I don't know about you, but it can be hard to know where to place people and help them be equipped to serve long-term.

I've been searching and learning from other leaders on how they find and equip new volunteers. My friend Matt from LCBC shared this with me and I thought I'd share it with you. We have adopted the term, "TACO!"

TACO: verbage we use with prospective adult volunteers on how to get involved.

T- test drive. We invite new prospective leaders to attend the student ministry for a week. I always let them know that we want them to test drive what it looks like to be a part of the student ministry before applying.

A- application. The next step in the process is for leaders to apply. We use the application to get to know the leader's passion and story. It is important to help leaders process through some important questions to find out how they can be used in the student ministry. It also helps leaders commit to moving forward to becoming an adult volunteer.

C- conversation: I will meet with the volunteers at lunch or in my office and talk through their application and background. Suggested questions: "are they a part of the church? Goal is at least 6 months. Why do you want to serve? What is your experience? What is your story? It is important to talk through their life and how they can influence students for Christ.

O-orientation. Goal is for them to go through the Source handbook and become acclimated to the vision and structure of the ministry. We will plug them into the different areas of service (guest services, cafe, host home, small group leader, small group co-leader).

How do you recruit and process leaders into committed volunteers in your ministry? What tips have you learned to help plug-in adult volunteers?