Tips to Lead Effective Meetings

photoWe have all been to a meeting. Some of us feel like we have been in meetings our whole lives. Have you ever been to a meeting that was boring and unproductive?

We all have. I believe meetings should be fun, informative and inspirational. You should leave with more passion than when you entered the meeting!

Tips on leading effective meetings:

- Know where you are going. If you don't know as the leader, you are leaving the ball to fly up in the air for whoever has the nearest bat of opinion to hit it!

- Have a clear schedule for the meeting. A clear starting and end time. It gives each person time to prepare for each meeting.

Here's an example of my meeting schedule with my student staff:

Monday morning from 9:30-10:30am

  • 9:30-9:40am: Opening prayer. Use this time to pray for each other. Encourage each person to share something in their life that we can pray about as a team.

  • 9:40-9:55am: Leader talk. I will share tips on leadership and ways to handle what is happening in the ministry. It gives us time to learn together and grow together.

  • 9:55-10:05am: Wins (share stories of life change).

  • 10:05-10:30am: I always ask each person what are three things they are working on. We will discuss each of them and redirect if we need to as a team. Once we communicate what we are working on we make a plan to get after it!

  • 10:30am - End and pray.

What tips would you add to lead effective meetings? Share your thoughts below!