Book Review: "Faker"

Screen Shot 2013-04-07 at 5.40.02 PMMy good friend Ronald Long wrote a Bible study highlighting what Jesus said about hypocrites or "fakers." One of the main questions of the book is for those without Christ asking the question, “Why should I become a Christian? All I see are a bunch of hypocrites!” 

I think this is a huge question to answer. Students will learn a lot of important aspects of cutting through the truth of living an authentic life for Christ. It is a part of being human beings. We struggle with being fake. It takes a heart change that only Jesus can begin through His power.

If you are looking for a resource to lead your students, this is a good 5 week study.

Here is an overview of the Bible study:

Chapter One: Fakers Love Easy. It is easy to be fake. The first chapter helps set up the need for a change in how we view God and others with the story of the Good Samaritan.

Chapter Two: Fakers Polish Exteriors. Fakers are all about the outward appearance. This chapter talks mainly about the pharisees cleaning on the outside. God wants to clean us up on the inside which will in turn result in how we live.

Chapter Three: Fakers Have Hard Hearts Our true character will eventually come out in the open. The humble heart is open to God's leading. This chapter explains the importance of living for Christ and not becoming selfish towards others.

Chapter Four: Fakers Satisfy Themselves. Fakers seek to find satisfaction in what they want in life. A follower of Christ seeks to be satisfied in Jesus. This chapter lays down the truth and the heart of serving Christ.

Chapter Five: Fakers Build Houses This chapter lays down the truth on what foundation we use to build our lives upon. Are we seeking to build it on the sand or the rock? Fakers build a house but followers of Christ survive the storm through Him.

The devotional guides and small group discussion that follow each chapter are great follow-up to the teaching. If we only teach students then it can go in their ears and not stick in their minds. It is a great resource to have to give students to grow on their own.

Overall, this is a solid book resource for your ministry. Ronald has a heart to help students grow into mature followers of Christ. I look forward to all that he will continue to do for Christ!

To purchase "Faker" check it out HERE.