Source SM Recap: Volume #8

Teaching series: Rhythm - Week 1 "Wonder"

Main ThoughtWe will discover that being in rhythm with God means that He alone has captured our sense of wonder

Length of service: 70 minutes. We have separate teaching time for middle school and high school. We have a unified worship experience with the band in the middle of the evening. We have small groups immediately after the teaching and response by grade and gender.

Messsage Explanation:  The first week of the Rhythm series sets up the premise that in the beginning, God established a rhythm. We will be talking about the glory of God in creation and always being captivated by His wonder. We will also look at God’s response to Adam’s sin, and we'll see that God continues to seek relationship with us even after things have fallen apart. The cross isn’t just where Jesus died. It is where we come to die with Him. Scripture: Genesis 1:27, Genesis 3:1-13, Isaiah 53:5-6, Romans 5:10, Luke 19:10, 1 Peter 2:24.

Element of fun: The middle school students played the old school game of "Simon says" but with one of our leaders names, "Jason says." It was a great night to welcome our new 6th grade students into the student ministry!

Music Set: You Deserve, Love, God is Able, All I Need is You, Give Me Faith, It is Finished (closing)

Favorite Moment: Sensing the excitement and passion from the students on our first Wednesday night at Source. We had a great turnout for our first night and look forward to what God has in the future!

What's Next: We will be continuing our series "Rhythm" next week. We will be talking about discovering the heart of discipleshipJesus died so He could be our life, not just part of it! 

Download Notes from this week: Rhythm - Wonder (teaching outline) Leader Small Group Discussion Guide Student-outline- notes