Teaching Series

Launch Series Week 5 - Message in 10 Tweets

#launchseries – week 5 “Leading by Influencing”The teaching from week 5 in 140 characters or less… 1) The whole of leadership is summed up in the word, “influence.”

2) If you and I influence those around us for Christ, many times we will encounter resistance.

3) How we live should cause people to thirst for Christ

4) The world is decaying around us and in need of restoration through a relationship with Jesus (Matthew 5:13-16).

5) People make conclusions about God because of how we live.

6) The closer we follow Jesus, the brighter out light will be to those around us (Matthew 5:15-16).

7) The purpose of life is to draw attention to God’s glory.

8) The overall goal of our lives of influence is to bring glory to God.

9) Jesus is the answer to the world, we are His plan to reveal it. 

10) Influence people for Jesus, one life at a time. 

To watch any of the series messages, check out the vimeo page

New Series - "Home Improvement"

home_improvement New Source Student ministry series for November! 

Families are not perfect.  Every family is weird in their own way.  Even with all the weirdness happening, there a few things that everyone still has in common.  Each family has disagreements and arguments, and every family struggles to know and understand each other.  We all come from a family with some type of need for improvement.  We need our family, and this series will unpack the need for home improvement.

Week 1 - Honor your Parents The Word: Ephesians 6:1-3, Luke 2:51-52 Main Thought: Honor opens the door to a healthy relationship with parents.

Week 2 - Communicate and Listen The Word: Ephesians 4:24-29, Proverbs 18:13 Main Thought: The relationship is more important than winning the argument. 

Week 3 - Forgive The Word: Ephesians 4:30-5:2, Romans 12:18 Main Thought: Pursue a relationship with your parents no matter what.

Series Roll-In!