Stop the Drama - Part 2


(a blog series on stopping the drama through living through the power of Christ's forgiveness in relationships.

When it comes to drama, we cannot live with continual conflict between relationships and honor God. 
First we have to realize we are part of the problem and admit it. Denial is a killer when it comes to stopping the drama. If we admit we are a part of the problem, how do we begin resolving conflict between relationships?

"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.” Matthew 5:9

How to stop the drama?

(2) Ask for forgiveness to those who you have hurt. Asking forgiveness is not natural. It is natural to be prideful. We think we are right. We think we do not need anyone because we are all sufficient. The definition of forgiveness in the Word Study Dictionary states, “To loose, loosen what is fast, bound, meaning to unbind, untie.” In the realm of life dealing with tough situations and relationships, our belief in forgiveness will be tested.

Jesus said, “So if you are presenting a sacrifice at the altar in the Temple and you suddenly remember that someone has something against you, leave your sacrifice there at the altar. Go and be reconciled to that person. Then come and offer your sacrifice to God." Matthew 5:23-24.

Jesus said, “You’ve heard that the law of Moses [what we know now as the Old Testament] love your neighbor and hate your enemy. Then Jesus comes along. But I say love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you.”  Matt. 5:43-44

If we do not forgive others, our worship is hindered. God views us through how we treat other people. If we harbor bitterness it affects our worship. Instead of worshipping God with pure hearts we idolize our rights in order to be "right." Forgiveness is more than a momentary choice in time, but a lifestyle of releasing people and situations to God. A great question to ask is, "how can I please and honor Jesus in this situation?"

As followers of Christ, our goal should be peacemaking. We should pray for those who are our enemies. Why? Obedience to Jesus. A person who learns to life outside of drama says, "I will give forgiveness to those who have hurt me and I will ask for forgiveness for any hurts I’ve  done to others."