Stop the Drama - Part 1


(a blog series on stopping the drama through living through the power of Christ's forgiveness in relationships). Drama, drama, drama! I hear it from students, parents, family, the news, Facebook, twitter, and more! Drama is a multi-million dollar business.  Watch TV for a few minutes and you will agree.

One of my students asked the question, "Why did God create drama?" I thought it was a good and insightful question. First, God did not create drama. He created a perfect, harmonious world with perfect relationships. It all crumbled when drama entered the story when Adam and Eve decided to disobey God in the Garden of Eden. Sin entered the world and drama quickly became the movie trailer for Cain and Abel and their descendants.

“It is to a man’s honor to avoid strife, but every fool is quick to quarrel.” Proverbs 20:3 (NIV)

How do we stop the drama?

(1) Admit that you start drama. A lot of people, including myself are quick to point the finger. What I find amusing about drama is that we get upset with other people's drama. But, we never realize that we are living off of our own drama! I hear the statement a lot, "they are a drama queen" or "all they do is thrive on drama!" Honestly, we all struggle with drama. Some have different levels than others, but we all have the sinful nature. The irony of people pointing out the drama-starting in others is the fact they are gossiping. Admit you are a part of it and stop blaming others for your lack of self-control. Quick tip: You might want to stop writing on Facebook/twitter about how everyone else is wrong. We all struggle, no person is without blame on starting drama.

We should always ask the question, "What does God's Word say about it?"

Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God."

Family minute: Parents are you raising up or just supporting your family? Students learn by what is taught By example rather than the false statement, “do as I say, not as I do." Parents need to set the spiritual direction in the home, especially in dealing with drama. Do you teach your family to forgive those who hurt you? Do you teach your family to get even? The family is the greatest example of learning how to stop the drama!

Who are you constantly starting drama with in your life? Are you are peacemaker or an instigator?