Monday Minute (on Tuesday)

The month of June has been...WOW! I've been gone more than I have been home this past month. God moved in my heart in many ways.

  • I've learned a whole new meaning to the word, "tired."
  • God has shown me that students are capable of leading the church!
  • I enjoyed preaching this past Sunday on "Making Freedom Count" - thankful that I serve with a Pastor that allows young guys like me a chance to preach.
  • I have seen families come forward for salvation
  • I have seen fathers become transparent and open to God moving in their hearts
  • WIRED Camp was a refreshing week of ministry and worship. Students came out to serve the community with passion! God moved in the students and some were saved and at least 5 feel the call into the ministry.
  • Justin, my younger brother did an amazing job filming and editing for WIRED Camp! Check out his videos!
  • I was able to spend some time with Dave Edwards. He is a great communicator to students and a lot of fun to hang out with! Check out this video we made with him on the topic of "singleness."