Doin Work Series: Week 4

Main Point: Show your faith by helping someone in need.

To watch more check out our Vimeo! 

Main Teaching point: Show your faith by helping someone in need. 

Message Explanation: “What good is it, dear brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith but don’t show it by your actions?” James 2:14. The big question for the night was, “If you were put on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?” Sometimes we know just the right “Christian” thing to say, don’t we? Our prayers sound fancy, but they lack a humble heart. We wear the Christian T-shirts that says, “Jesus is my homeboy” or “God answers Knee-mail!” Maybe even a Jesus fish on your bumperWhat are we doing to show our faith to people in need?  We learned that we cannot earn salvation (Ephesians 2:8-10). We are not saved by good works but saved FOR good works! If you are a follower of Christ, it should completely obvious! Students were encouraged to find practical ways to serve others this week!

4D Ultrasound Video

I enjoy learning the meaning of names. What is in a name? Have you ever wondered what your name means?

Find out: 

In today's culture, it seems that people pick names based upon popularity or style. Some names are chosen to be original while others choose a name based upon a family name sake.

In biblical times, a person's name was their identification. A namesake was given to help direct a person's life in who they would become and emulate. A name signifies a person's identity and belonging.

We pray that Micah will find his identity in Jesus Christ.

Name: Micah Jordan Robinson

Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: Who is like God, Gift from God.

Micah is a gift from God. We prayed over a year to become pregnant. We are grateful that God has entrusted us with Micah. My prayer is that he will experience the love of Christ as he grows up. I've heard a lot of comments about how we will lose sleep and that life will never be the same. I am thankful that God gave Micah to us. What matters most in life always takes hard work and dedication. I'm nervous about being a Dad but I know that if I can be half the man my Dad was (Jimmy Robinson) to me, it will go well!

Micah's middle name, Jordan is a namesake to honor the life and legacy of my younger brother. I look forward to telling Micah about his uncle Jordan and how he lived for the glory of Jesus.

We are looking forward to his arrival in early September! Thank you for praying for him to grow healthy!

 Check out the 4D Ultrasound video of Micah!

Source SM Recap: Volume #5

Teaching Series: “Doin Work”

Main Teaching point: Show your faith by helping someone in need. 

Length of service: 60 minutes. We combined our group in one for a unified worship experience.

Message Explanation: "What good is it, dear brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith but don’t show it by your actions?" James 2:14. The big question for the night was, "If you were put on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?" Sometimes we know just the right “Christian” thing to say, don’t we? Our prayers sound fancy, but they lack a humble heart. We wear the Christian T-shirts that says, “Jesus is my homeboy” or “God answers Knee-mail!” Maybe even a Jesus fish on your bumper. What are we doing to show our faith to people in need?  We learned that we cannot earn salvation (Ephesians 2:8-10). We are not saved by good works but saved FOR good works! If you are a follower of Christ, it should completely obvious! Students were encouraged to find practical ways to serve others this week!

Element of fun: Trust fall! Each group worked together starting with 3 people in each team. The "fallee" would fall back and forward to each person who would catch them. Next, we moved into circles of at least 7-8 people. The "fallee" would be inside the circle and the team would pass them around the circle. We ended it with one of our senior high guys (football player) falling from stage. The team of adults caught him easily! It was a fun way to encourage team work and to trust one another. My other favorite element of fun was showing a "sloth" video to open up the message. Many times our spiritual lives look like a sloth!

Music Set: We Unite, One Thing Remains, How He Loves, Awakening (closing)

Favorite Moment: Watching students and their small group leaders during the trust fall activity. Also, it was great hearing stories of great small groups discussions!

Next week: We continue the fourth week of our series through the book of James titled, “Don't Be Hatin!”