
Teaching Video: "Discovering Life in Christ"

Rhythm Series - Discovering Life in Christ from Source Student Ministries on Vimeo.

A whole generation is asking these questions about their existence:

1. Why am I here? 2. What is my purpose?

- World says: There is no purpose, nothing really matters. - Bible says: To bring glory to God (Gen. 3:8, Ex. 25).

We find the wonder in the rescue of Jesus and now we pursue a life of becoming like Christ (Mark 8:34-37). Jesus says that losers are winners. We weren’t just saved from something; we were saved to something. Jesus living through you only happens when we think less of ourselves and our performance and more of Jesus and his performance for us. We don’t just die; we die to live. The truth is that Jesus + Nothing = everything. Have you died with Christ and forgotten the old self? If so, is Christ living in and through you?

Scripture: Galatians 2:20, Mark 8:34-37.