
I'll Pray About It


If you have spent any time in church, you have heard someone say, "I'll pray about it." It is a response often given to a prayer request or an opportunity to serve. "Will you be willing to lead a small group?" or "Are you wanting to go on a mission trip next summer?" The response is, "I'll pray about it."  I don't know about you, but how often do we truly pray? In today's culture there is a tendency to run from commitment. Maybe we are so "nice" that we are not willing to be honest and say no? We do not want to let other people down so our first response is to avoid conflict. So what does it really mean to pray about it?

Prayer is not a substitute for obedience to God's WordPrayer it is to acknowledge God’s greatness and surrender our will to follow Him. 

"Never stop praying." 1 Thessalonians 5:17

The ultimate purpose of prayer is to bring our hearts into line with God’s heart. Only then will be be able to see, feel, and experience His leading.

A few ways we use "I'll pray about it:"

  • Prayer requests. People share a prayer request and we tell them we will pray but forget. Pray with them on the spot and write it down to remember (James 5:16). My father prays for me on the phone just about every time we talk. It means the world to me that he emphasizes praying without ceasing.
  • Missions. We know that followers of Christ should be on mission. Locally and internationally. But, it will affect our plans and budget. So, we continue to pray about it, waiting for the perfect feeling, amount of money and friends who feel the same way. Jesus said, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age" Matthew 28:19-20.
  • Serving. We know we should serve. But, what if I commit to serving and I am not perfectly consistent and do a terrible job? So, you wait until all is right in life and your schedule is cleared. Service flows out of obedience. Obedience then results in joy and purpose!
  • Sharing the gospel. We know we should share our story with others. But, what if I say the wrong thing and they do not understand me? So, you wait until the "perfect moment" (cue the invitation music) to tell your friend how you came to know Jesus.

God gives us opportunities each and every day. For me, I have missed many opportunities because I was too wrapped up with my own world. Too often we are waiting for the perfect feeling, emotion or circumstance to obey God's Word.

God's grace is sufficient for us. God doesn’t care to be amazed with brilliantly crafted theological words. He isn’t impressed with long prayers. It’s nice to know that he wants us to keep it simple. He desires a clean heart to say "yes." The reward of prayer is the relationship with God.

What are your thoughts? How can I pray for you?

Empty Words


  "Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them." Ephesians 4:29 (NLT).

We all communicate. We use body language, facial expressions, and words. Words are powerful! How many times have we heard, "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me?" Almost everyone agrees this statement is false! We all remember the words that were spoken to us 10+ years ago. The words sting just as much as the first time. Our words can be empty with defeat of filled with life to encourage others. 

God has been chipping away at me, especially in how I use my words to people. Some of the time it is not the words I'm using, but the attitude and heart of what I am saying to my friends, students and my wife. We have tremendous power with our words. We can use opportunities to speak life into others or to tear them down. I have been guilty so many times of using empty words to hurt others because of my own insecurity and self-preservation. Insecurity masks itself as a bold confidence many times. How many times have I used empty words that are filled with defeat rather than victory? My prayer is that my words will give life and grace for people to have hope in Christ. Jesus said, "And I tell you this, you must give an account on judgment day for every idle word you speak" Matthew 12:36. We will take an account of our words, we need to be wise in our words.

God has been chipping away at me, especially in how I use words in my prayers. Am I going to Jesus first and worshipping Him every day? Many times I focus on reading my Bible looking for a new message idea, topic or illustration. Instead God is telling me to consume my heart into His heart. Be still. Listen. Stop. Wait. The urge to do more is the tempting response in ministry when we are hurting. Those who are facing the most spiritual warfare and discouragement are the ones on the front of the battle lines. The world teaches that peace is found in surrender to selfishness. Empty prayers are saying "pre-packaged" statements that are filled with tradition. God desires honesty, transparency and humility. God desires a clean and contrite heart.

I don't know about you, but I don't want to go through life with empty words to God and others. Are you using words to build others up or tear them down?


Thoughts I'm Thinking

I just thought I'd have a quick mind-dump of what God's teaching me. P5020056

I need the presence of God - I'm focusing on the verse "pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." (1 Thessalonians 5:17-18)

  • Prayer opens up my heart for God to move - "God, change me to become more like you"
  • Prayer aligns our heart with what God is doing - "Show me how to love with your unconditional love"
  • Prayer aligns my life to His Will - "I will follow you"
  • Praying that God will use me as empty vessel - "Cleanse my heart of sin so I can be pure for you to fill"
  • Praying that God will give me the passion to reach the lost with the gospel - "help me to open my mouth more and share Jesus with the lost"
  • Realize that life is a journey – "Help me live for truth and have the character to finish strong"
  • Realize that prayer is heard by a loving God - "Thank you for Your grace and forgiveness"
  • Prayer completes the picture that we are dependent upon God for everything - "You are my source"