Thoughts I'm Thinking

I just thought I'd have a quick mind-dump of what God's teaching me. P5020056

I need the presence of God - I'm focusing on the verse "pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." (1 Thessalonians 5:17-18)

  • Prayer opens up my heart for God to move - "God, change me to become more like you"
  • Prayer aligns our heart with what God is doing - "Show me how to love with your unconditional love"
  • Prayer aligns my life to His Will - "I will follow you"
  • Praying that God will use me as empty vessel - "Cleanse my heart of sin so I can be pure for you to fill"
  • Praying that God will give me the passion to reach the lost with the gospel - "help me to open my mouth more and share Jesus with the lost"
  • Realize that life is a journey – "Help me live for truth and have the character to finish strong"
  • Realize that prayer is heard by a loving God - "Thank you for Your grace and forgiveness"
  • Prayer completes the picture that we are dependent upon God for everything - "You are my source"