
Book Writing Progress

I've been writing. A lot. 4 months ago I decided to start. I decided to write my heart on student ministry. I want to share my encouragement to leaders that want to impact this generation with Jesus. We are all apart of the movement. I'm about 80% finished (that is my best guess) and now in the editing process. I'm looking into different options to get it printed and in e-book format.

If you have written or are in writing a book/e-book, what tips do you have for me? What are some areas of student ministry that would be good to add to the book? What is your biggest pet peeve that you see in student ministry books that I can avoid?

I look forward to your feedback! Share in the comments below. 

Starting a New Chapter

typingA few months ago I decided to start. I was tired of thinking about it and coming up with reasons why I should put it off. I'm finished with seminary so I have no more excuses of writing papers or preparing for a test. I thought it was time to start a new journey.

Oh right! You are probably wondering what I am about to start.

I am writing an e-book on the essentials of leading students to imitate Christ and influence the world. It is basically my heart on student ministry.

I wanted to proverbially flip the pages of my past in ministry and share what little I know about student ministry.

A few chapters so far...

Building a team of volunteers The key to building relationships Leading students to be leaders

Right now I'm either going to give it away for free or sell for a small price. I want it to be a resource to help others navigate student ministry in today's culture. My goal is to complete the writing by April 22nd.

Will you pray for me to finish it? Do you have any tips on writing an e-book? What is an important need in student ministry leadership today?

Blogging Tips 101


When I started blogging, it was not that popular back in 2007. Over the years I have enjoyed figuring out how to blog and become a better writer. I've learned that to become a better communicator always starts with writing and reading more. One of the main reasons I write is to grow as a follower of Christ and as a leader. I learn and grow when I get alone with my Bible, laptop and ideas. Blogging is simply an outlet for me to express my thoughts, prayers, frustrations and ideas on life, ministry and leadership. Below are some tips on blogging. I use different goals and tools to help me post blogs:

Set a goal of how often you will write. I try to write at least 3 blog post per week. I do not always stick to it but I try to keep up a steady stream of writing.

Write about what you are passionate about in life. I typically write blog posts in three categories:

                  1. Culture/Health/Sports                   2. Leadership/Student Ministry                   3. Family/Marriage

Plan your blog posts. I write blog posts ahead of time. No, I do not sit at my laptop every morning and wait for a new idea. Sometimes I do, but most of the time I do not. I save ideas as drafts and write my thoughts out over a few weeks. Once I have finished blog posts I will schedule them to publish ahead of time. Usually it takes about 30 minutes every few days to formulate ideas to write and edit. If you try to blog on the whim, you probably won't stick to it.

I'm a big fan of Wordpress. I prefer Wordpress because it has so many ways to customize your platform. Wordpress is clean and professional.

Use Evernote! I use Evernote to keep a list of ideas in the three categories of writing blog posts. It is a great tool to organize. Because it is cloud based, you can use it on your phone or computer to record an idea.

Be transparent, but some things are not meant for everyone to read. I try to be transparent in my writing, but there are some things off-limits I do not want to write for the world to read. Blogging is a safe place but is not meant to replace a personal journal either. Always have a filter of wisdom in what you write and how you write. Blogs have become a great tool but they can easily be used by cowards to attack others behind the keyboard of a laptop.

Write to grow. I believe everyone has something to write. Why? Because our culture is quickly moving away from the discipline of writing and reading. Over the coming years we will have unbelievable technology but an increasingly lazy learners. I do not want my learning to stop even when I graduated from college and seminary. Why not create a blog and write about your passions to glorify God? We have so many incredible tools in 2012 to be used for the gospel! Write, grow and always learn.

What are your thoughts? What would you add?