Starting a New Chapter

typingA few months ago I decided to start. I was tired of thinking about it and coming up with reasons why I should put it off. I'm finished with seminary so I have no more excuses of writing papers or preparing for a test. I thought it was time to start a new journey.

Oh right! You are probably wondering what I am about to start.

I am writing an e-book on the essentials of leading students to imitate Christ and influence the world. It is basically my heart on student ministry.

I wanted to proverbially flip the pages of my past in ministry and share what little I know about student ministry.

A few chapters so far...

Building a team of volunteers The key to building relationships Leading students to be leaders

Right now I'm either going to give it away for free or sell for a small price. I want it to be a resource to help others navigate student ministry in today's culture. My goal is to complete the writing by April 22nd.

Will you pray for me to finish it? Do you have any tips on writing an e-book? What is an important need in student ministry leadership today?