What I'm thankful for


I have had an action packed last few days. I drove through the night last Wednesday night after youth group to Nashville, TN. 5 hour energy drinks work! She spent the next day laying down her scatch tracks at my friend's studio. From Nashville, we drove to Atlanta for the  National Youth Workers Convention. It was a great time focusing on what God has called us to do and to grow as leaders. The rest of this week, we'll be spending time with my family in Greenville, SC. Quick list of what I'm thankful for:

  • Jesus loving me enough to die for me: Without His grace, I'm hopeless. Thank you for loving me and for saving me through the cross.
  • My wife - Cassidy is my best friend and I'm so thankful (by God's grace) that she agreed to marry me. The past 1 year and 5 months and 11 days have been wonderful. She is beautiful inside and out!
  • Family - Praise God for a family that loves Jesus and each other. My family has shown me what it means to follow Christ by their example.
  • My friends - there are so many people I could mention, friends from college that walked with me through everything. Thankful for professors and church leaders putting up with me and for showing me how to lead others to Christ. Thankful for those that have been there for me and my family who knew Jordan and for their prayers and support.
  • Jordan - I really miss my younger brother on this Thanksgiving time. He was such a great friend and showed Christ's example of humility and love. I pray that his life's story will continue to inspire and help people come to know Christ. I miss you Gord!
  • My church family - Thankful for so many people that have encouraged me and Cassidy. We are blessed to be at FBC Ashford and look forward to God doing miraculous things in the future!
  • Freedom - Grateful to those who have stood for freedom so that we can freely worship God in America. Thankful for those who serve in our military so that we can be free.

What about you? What are you thankful for?