
Thanksgiving at the Robinson's


We had a great week visiting family last week. Although I was sick for most of the week, we had a blast. I was diagnosed with strep throat and then did not improve. I took 4 days of antibiotics with no improvement. I went to a second doctor and was told I had a Peritonsillar abscess. What this means is that I did not get to enjoy eating much at Thanksgiving due to my throat being in a lot of pain. Thankfully today I went to a specialist and he was able to help relieve the pressure (it was gross!) and begin the healing process. Regardless of the frustration of being in pain on vacation, family time is always a blessing. I put this video together of some funny highlights with the family this past week!


What I'm Thankful For

It is Thanksgiving! Here is what I am most thankful for! #1 Relationship with Jesus Christ. I am grateful for His grace in my life. The fact that He loves me despite  of myself is amazing. He has blessed me beyond what I ever will deserve. Only through His sacrifice am I free to live for Him. I'm grateful for His love!

#2 I'm thankful for my wife! I enjoy spending time with Cassidy whether it is in our home, around town or on the road. She is an encourager to me and a teammate as we serve God. She continually reminds me that she believes in what God has called me to do in life and ministry. She also knows me enough to tell me the truth. I love serving God with her at church and on the road. We have a blast together! I never thought I'd have this much fun!

#3 I'm thankful for family! Earlier this past week, we spent time with Cassidy's side of the family in Belleview, FL. Next, we drove up to Greenville, SC to spend time with my side of the family. I'm thankful for a loving family and especially grateful for my brothers (Justin and Jeff) and my Dad for encouraging me in my faith!

#4 I'm thankful for friends that love Jesus. We had a blast serving alongside friends from college this past weekend! I spoke and Cassidy sang at the "Be Awakened" Disciple-Now in Palm Bay, Florida. Warren did a great job putting the weekend together and Josh did a great job leading worship. I'm grateful for the student leaders who pour into students every week. I'm thankful for the many college students who give of their time to encourage students to follow Christ!

 #5 I'm thankful for being able to serve in the ministry. God has blessed me to have the strength to serve Him in ministry. I'm thankful for my friends, small group, my students, staff and church. I'm grateful that God wants me to be a part of His story.

What about you? What are you thankful for?