See You At The Pole

Highlights of Student Ministry

God has been showing up lately at our weekly Wednesday night worship gathering! It has been encouraging to see  students bringing friends more and more each week. We celebrated the See You at the Pole rally last night with over 75 in attendance. It was a great time of worship with the "Flying Backwards" worship band. I challenged the students with 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 - "Transformation leads to movement!" It was a great night of worship and encouragement. Seeing students praying at the altar together fuels the excitement I see for this generation to lead a movement of God.


See You At the Pole tomorrow!!

Hey! Remember tomorrow morning at 7am at your school's flagpole to come and pray!

Pray for your friends, family and your school! Pray that many come to know Jesus!!

I'm excited to see how God works through See you at the pole throughout Jacksonville and the world! Uniting students together to pray is an awesome chance to see a revival in America!

Have an awesome day!