Momentum Student Ministry

Beach Retreat 2010

Wow, it is hard to put into words all the great things God did in the hearts at the beach retreat this past weekend! I'm amazed at the fact that God's love and grace is freely given to us everyday and we GET to serve Him! It was a blast to have 120 plus there to worship together! I was blessed to see students worshiping and encouraging each other. I truly believe that this generation will make a huge impact for eternity and I'm grateful I get to be a part of it. I can say that my team of adult leaders, small group leaders, cooking team, band, speaker, late night host, etc that they hit a HOME RUN! It is a privilege to serve alongside such Christ-centered, selfless leaders. My prayer is that God continues what He started and students begin to be "totally consumed" with Christ in their lives!


Monday Minute

  • Really enjoyed this past week - lots of good times and conversations.
  • My brothers, Jeff and Justin are in Germany and I must concur with Napoleon Dynamite saying, "lucky!"
  • Baptized a student on Sunday morning - Awesome story of God's redemption in her life!
  • FSU lost. again. They played great against BYU and crumbled against USF! I'm still a fan of Bobby Bowden - He is one of the best coaches in college history and is man of God and character.
  • My wife, Cassidy is a gator fan.  Saturday football games are always fun to watch in the Robinson house. I'm praying for her...She will see the light one day!
  • Football and sports in general will not matter in eternity - Seeing people come to know Christ will matter!
  • We saw "Cloudy with a chance of meatballs" and enjoyed it! It was a funny movie and we are always "geeked out" when we put on 3-D glasses.
  • Beginning a new series this Wednesday night called, "Angry" -  Look forward to God moving in the hearts of the students
  • Ready for the first hint of fall weather! I hear its supposed to get cooler here in SE Alabama this week.
  • Stay tuned: I'll be posting some thoughts this week on my blog dealing with ministry and life.
  • I love my wife!

Highlights of Student Ministry

God has been showing up lately at our weekly Wednesday night worship gathering! It has been encouraging to see  students bringing friends more and more each week. We celebrated the See You at the Pole rally last night with over 75 in attendance. It was a great time of worship with the "Flying Backwards" worship band. I challenged the students with 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 - "Transformation leads to movement!" It was a great night of worship and encouragement. Seeing students praying at the altar together fuels the excitement I see for this generation to lead a movement of God.
