This Week's Message in 10 Tweets

We are in week 1 of the teaching series called, "Life." 

1. You were planned for God's pleasure

2. Everyone gives his or her life to someone...or something. 

3. Worship equals what we value.

4. Worship is my response to God’s love (1 John 4:9)

5. Worship is expressing affection for God

6. Focusing your attention on God (Psalm 46:10)

7. Worship is focusing my lifestyle to serve God !

8. Worship is not an event, emotion or just an experience. It is a lifelong relationship focusing your energy to worship God! 

9. This new life is a response to what we have been given. We get to worship God.

10. Is Jesus part of your life...or is Jesus your LIFE?  

To watch the messages from Source Student Ministry, check out the vimeo page.