Top 5 Apps I Use in Life and Ministry

What apps do you use in your life and ministry? I wanted to share a few of the most important ones that I use that keeps me focused and organized. 

 It is the best tool for collecting data through being cloud based. I use it to save info for teaching, events, personal plans and more. 

 I just started using nozbie this past week. I've read a few blogs on different apps that help productivity and this one is simple to use and effective. The great part about nozbe is that it links up with Evernote and dropbox. It helps pull in your projects and breaks them reminders that help you finish what you have started. 

Dropbox is probably the best app I use in a multisite ministry. We can sync computers across three campuses to find any type of administration tools, graphics and more. We even sync up teaching videos that go out to the other campuses via dropbox. Dropbox has a great option to sync to a vimeo account for fast uploading of videos. 

I love mint because it helps organize and focus upon our budget. It is accessible through smartphone or computer so it is easy to use on the go. It has built in help that shows you ways you can save and invest your money. 

Tweetbot for iPhone
 My favorite social media platform is twitter. The reason? Simple, quick shots of information. Tweetbot is the cleanest app I've found and works smoothly. It has a great option where it switches the back screen from dark to light depending upon if it is bright or dark. It has a "mute" button which I find useful at times :). 

What apps do you use in life and ministry? Share in the comments below!