Monday Minute

Students are back in school this week and it seems to only get busier. Looking forward to a new school year. Here are some highlights of the past week!

  • Worship yesterday was awesome! Great worship and message. I'm pumped to see what God has in store for the future "Watermark Church."
  • I was able to baptize three good friends - excited about God has in store for their lives!
  • My wife, Cassidy has a new job at Eagle Eye outfitters. It's a great Christian business.
  • I'm a little worn out at the moment - full-time ministry plus seminary at night is wearing on me.
  • I plan on being done with seminary this December. I pray that will be it for me.
  • My wife, Cassidy fixed up my blog today for me! She is awesome at tech stuff.
  • Excited about week 2 of our "Battle Within" series dealing with temptation. Praying students are set free from bondage to serve Jesus and love people.
  • One of the favorite parts of my day are hanging out with my wife at home with Heidi (our golden retriever).
  • We are beginning our small groups tonight! We are starting a new one due to the growth that has happened.