A Leader’s Character – Final Thoughts

The last but not least character trait that is important is humility. Humility means “the absence of pride or self-assertion."  Humility is a learned character quality; humans are not born with humility, but with pride. In James 4:6b it says “God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble." A leader who is serious about becoming someone that can be used by God must first come to realize that it is only by grace that they are in leadership. When a leader humbles himself to God, then in turn God promises to lift him up. When leaders become prideful in their ability or position, they will hurt the ministry of the Lord and ultimately kill the spirit of the ministry. The rewarding aspect of humility is the Lord gets the credit for everything. The promise that God gives in scripture is grace towards a humble person. When a leader portrays humility, he has a deeper understanding of God’s heart.

A leader does not stop learning and growing, but looks forward to serving Christ with integrity, a servant's hear, authenticity, prayer, vision, and humility. When these character qualities are implemented in Christian leadership, then God will do amazing things!