Surrender = Real Freedom

"God is more passionate about our holiness than our happiness."  This quote has impacted me to the core. The challenge for me everyday is to wake up and stay focused on surrender. Surrender is not a popular term. Rarely people say, "Oh, I can't wait to surrender!" When a believer is surrendered in their hearts, they will have the freedom that God gives to impact the world with the gospel.

God is more passionate about our character than our comfort. We live in an "I deserve" culture. We believe that we deserve comfort and success. Only by God's grace and mercy are we able to take our next breath. God does bless us, but that blessing should always be reflected back to Him for His glory. In order for our character to change - sometimes He allows us to go through some pretty tough times. It is tough times that build character.

The true happiness that comes is the deep satisfaction of serving God not because we have to, but because we want too. Real life comes when we die to ourselves and let God use us completely.

I'm pumped about heading to WIRED Camp this next week! I believe that God will do amazing miracles in the community. We are going to surrender and pour out God's love and service to the area. Please pray for the students and the rest of the surrounding churches for God to use us in a mighty way. This is the first time that I've seen over 30 churches come together to serve the community. We are all on the same team!

Are you surrendered? Are you freed up to serve and reach others with Christ?