Update on life

As you can tell (if you actually read my blog) I haven't been updating lately. We are finally settled here at First Baptist Church Ashford. God has blessed me and Cassidy with a loving and supportive church family and staff. July is going to be an fun but busy month with two camps and VBS. We are going to serve at WIRED camp located in Dothan, Alabama. It will be an exciting week of over 30 churches coming together to invest and minister to the community through various mission projects. It will be a blessing to serve with the students and be the hands and feet of Jesus.

We are going to BigStuf Camp the last week of July. I've never been to this camp but look forward to building unity in the youth group.

God has been revealing to me that students are ready to serve! I've been reminded lately of the need for leaders to invest in their lives and equip them to use their gifts to serve the Lord. We are building a team of students to lead in all aspects of the student ministry. One of my goals of ministry is to lead students to minister to students, not just make it all about myself or the adults.

Our vision is "to move from a youth group to a youth ministry."

A verse that has kept me focused on this vision:

"For the son of Man has come to seek and save the lost." Luke 19:10

What vision has God given you? What is your student ministries vision?