Merry Christmas from the Robinson's!

Can you believe Christmas is a few days away?! I love Christmas because we celebrate Jesus as being the greatest Gift ever given.

We moved back to Jacksonville in May 2016 to join Chets Creek Church and start the North Campus in Jacksonville. The Launch Team for the North Campus has served faithfully together in preparation for the launch in January!

Thank you for your prayers and support as we spread the good news of Jesus in the days ahead. The best is yet to come! 

Merry Christmas to you and your family! 

Looking Out For #2

Photo credit: Walter and Jen Castillo Oberes 

Photo credit: Walter and Jen Castillo Oberes 

On Sunday, November 20th, I had the opportunity to preach at the Hodges Campus of Chets Creek Church. It was an awesome day as the North Campus worship team led and I preached the message. We invited a group to come and help serve with the North Campus as it launches in January. 

I'm incredibly grateful to be a part of a kingdom-minded, others-focused Church family! 

Below is the sermon audio and notes from the sermon. 

Audio Block
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