Influencing People for Jesus

We had a great first preview service for the North Campus on November 13th! We had 95 people show up for our first set-up and run through at Sheffield Elementary School. We are improving as a launch team as we look forward to the public launch in January 2017! 

Here is the sermon I preached at our first preview service! 

North Campus News!

The school we are partnering with to launch the North Campus! 

The school we are partnering with to launch the North Campus! 

Can you believe we are halfway through the month of September? Time is flying by and the Launch team that God is forming for the North Campus is coming together. We are continuing to pray for more workers to join the team to reach people with the gospel.

These were his instructions to them: “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.
— Matthew 10:2

Check out the updates below on the development of the North Campus! 

Launch Team Training - “The Purpose Driven Church” 

It is not too late to be a part of the training and relationship building time on Wednesday nights at the Hodges Campus. Every Wednesday from 5:30-6:30pm we have dinner and then the training is from 6:30-7:30pm! If you are wanting to come, shoot me an email and let me know so I can save you a spot!   

North Campus Interest Gathering | September 22, 2016 | 6:30 - 8:15 pm
We hope you are planning to join us at Jeremy and Emily Ramsey’s (701 Tree Swallow Ct. Jacksonville, FL 32218). It will be an exciting night of fellowship, worship, prayer, vision, and relationship building! Spread the word to your friends in North Jax that they are invited to come and hear about the new campus that is coming. If you have not already done so, please RSVP so we can prepare for childcare and food. 

Thank you for your prayers as we take next steps to launch in January 2017. If you would like to be added to our email list to know how to pray for us, please send me an email! 


North Campus Exciting News!

We are at the ground floor of the North Campus of Chets Creek Church! Jesus said, "For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many” Matthew 20:28. Our response to the selfless love of God is to be people that serve others selflessly. I believe that a church should be known for what they do for the community, not for what they take from the community! This past week, the future of the North Campus of Chets Creek began to take form. I love leading this team and I am looking forward with excitement to the days ahead. The best is yet to come and I am thankful that you are committed to spreading the gospel to North Jacksonville! 

Here are some highlights of our partnership with Sheffield Elementary School:

On Saturday, August 6th over 40 people sweated, laughed, and served together at Sheffield Elementary school.

  • The team cleaned, organized and painted the school. 
  • Cleaned up inside and outside of the school 
  • Moved and organized all the teacher’s books and supplies
  • Decorated over 30 bulletin boards for the teacher’s. 
  • Renovated the Teacher’s lounge with new paint, furnishings, and appliances. 
  • Painted outside and inside the school. 
  • Provided 50 backpacks and supplies 

On Thursday August 11th, we had a day of service.

  • The team provided lunch for over 80 faculty and staff  
  • Mulched an outside area for the children of Sheffield.

What's Next for the North Campus? 

Fall Leadership Training - Sunday, August 21st from 5:00-8:30pm!
Join us as we kick off a new season of ministry! We will enjoy celebrating with all the volunteer leaders of Chets Creek over dinner at 5:00pm and then breakout into training from 6:00-8:30pm. We will have an exciting team night for the North Campus Launch Team! I’ll be sharing the vision for the Fall and the New Year as we launch the North Campus! Please RSVP so we can provide food and childcare for the evening

Life University - "Purpose Driven Church Training” Begins Wednesday, August 24th!
Life University is a six-week series of topical classes on Wednesday nights that will help you grow in your faith. The North Campus Launch Team is invited to learn together about how to build a healthy, vibrant, purpose driven church in North Jax!  For a church to be healthy, it must become a purpose driven church by Jesus. The teaching will be led by Josh Robinson and Darren Sullivan. 

The goal of building a healthy church is focused upon 5 purposes:

  • Warmer through Fellowship
  • Deeper through Discipleship 
  • Stronger through Worship 
  • Broader through Ministry 
  • Larger through Evangelism

Wednesday night dinner: 5:30pm
Life University Training: 6:30-7:30pm

I want to encourage you to be there so we can grow together as we prepare to launch the North Campus! Childcare is provided! Sign up and save your spot!

The best is yet to come!