This Week's Message in 10 Tweets

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We are in week 3 of the teaching series called, "Change." The key Bible passage is John 14:6.

1. The goal of life is to be free to serve God and not be held hostage by anything.

2. In order for Jesus to be the life, He had to die. Because of His death and resurrection, we can have life.

3. Realize that without Jesus in us, we are walking dead people (Romans 6:10). 

4.  In order for Christ to truly live out in us we must die to ourselves.

5. “The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.”  John 10:10

6. I have been given an abundant life in Christ so I seek to live from the life I have in Christ because of the cross.

7. When we try to control and hand onto a selfish life, we lose ultimately (John 12:25).  

8. My sin. Your sin is what murdered Jesus. It is that serious. This is why life in Jesus is so meaningful and vital.

9. Jesus came to rescue us and give us a life that is worth living 

10. Jesus makes life worth living because He is the Life. 

To watch the messages from Source Student Ministry, check out the vimeo page. 

Leadership Thought: Vision

I'm reading the book, "Leading on Empty" by Wayne Cordeiro. 

This quote hit me today and I wanted to share it with you: 

"It is a gift to be able to launch an inspiring vision. But unless you manage it along the way, it can turn on you, and soon the voracious appetite of vision consumes you." 

I'm processing what this means for my life. What about you?