Free Stuff Friday: 1st Time Guest Follow Up


We all want to make first time guests feel welcome. It is difficult to go to a new church and meet new people. I'm sharing a freebie today that we send to first time guests to communicate how much we appreciate them coming to the student ministry. 

We send this out a day or two after they attend our ministry. 

If you are looking for more admin resources for your student ministry, download the editable "student ministry essentials" bundle for only $5! 

Download this week's freebie HERE

This Week's Message in 10 Tweets

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We are in week 2 of the teaching series called, "Change." The key Bible passage is John 14:6.

1. Over 90% of Americans admit to lying routinely, and 36% of these say they tell big lies that hurt other people. 

2. Truth confronts the lies in us and around us.

3. Jesus doesn’t just tell the Truth, He deines what it is (1 John 1:6). 

4. The Truth sets us free to overcome sin in our life  (John 8:31-32). 

5. Jesus didn’t only come to die for the penalty of sin but to destroy the power of sin in our lives.

6. Jesus always works inside out. When our heart changes daily by His truth, our outside will change (Psalm 139:23-24). 

7. When we say that the Truth should change our lives, we’re saying that Jesus should change our lives. 

8. Replace the lies by God’s Word daily (John 17:17). 

9. In order to walk in Truth in your actions, attitudes, words and more. We have to abide in God's Word. 

10. It all begins, continues and ends with Jesus. He is the only way to Heaven but He is also our guide that leads us to truth.

To watch the messages from Source Student Ministry, check out the vimeo page.