Speaking Tip: Nonverbal Communication

Psychologists say that communication is 60-90% non-verbal. Wow! The way we teach is much more than the words that come out of our mouth but how we interact with the audience.

Most speakers that I have heard do a good job of verbal communication but many forget how powerful the non-verbal is during a message.

Here are a few tips on non-verbal communication in teaching: - Help the story come alive with what you do with your hands and body. - Smile. Don't always look angry, especially as you are talking about God's love. - Stop pacing back and forth like an angry bull. - Let the audience know they can interact with hands up in the air so they know you are teaching WITH them and not AT them. - Stop reading your notes and teach your notes.

To sum it all up...

Teach like you mean it.  You are giving the most important truth out to people when you open up God's Word. Teach as if it is the last message you will ever give (because it might be the last one).

Call of Duty Teaching Series

FINALCallofDutyScreen If you are looking for a teaching series on the armor of God, check out "Call of Duty."  Overview: The battle around us is not physical. It is a supernatural battle. The Christian life is a battle! As followers of Christ, we have a call of duty to stand firm for Jesus. We need to suit up with the armor of God on a daily basis. Through Jesus, God has provided everything we need to stand firm against the enemy.

Week 1 – “The Invisible War” The Word: Ephesians 6:10-12, John 16:33, Luke 11:14-16 Main Thought: God is more powerful than the spiritual forces of evil.

Week 2 – “Gear Up” The Word: Ephesians 6:13-15, Romans 8:31, 1 Corinthians 10:13 Main Thought: Stand firm by the power of Jesus.

Week 3  “Defensive Stand” The Word: Ephesians 6:16, Matthew 14:24-31Hebrews 11:6 Main Thought: Faith through Christ destroys the attack of the enemy.

Week 4 – “Offensive attack” The Word: Ephesians 6:17-18, Romans 6:13, 1 Corinthians 10:5 Main Thought: God has armed us to defeat sin.

This fully loaded series includes:

  • Message notes
  • Powerpoint slides
  • Graphics
  • Series guide

Download HERE