Source SM Recap: Volume #41

FINALCallofDutyScreen Current Series: Call of Duty Title: “Defensive Stand" The Word: Ephesians 6:16, Matthew 14:24-31, Hebrews 11:6 Main Thought: Faith through Christ destroys the attack of the enemy.

Message Explanation: Have you ever had a storm blow into your life? Have you ever asked these questions of why?

Faith! We all have heard this word at some point in our lives. We hear this word thrown around many times on the field, in class, from our parents and even to our friends.

Our series, “Call of Duty” is all about gearing up to stand firm against the enemy. We have found so far in this series that God’s power overcomes to enemies attacks and that we can stand firm because of God’s truth, righteousness and peace. Tonight, we are going to talk about the shield of faith!

Romans 6:16: “In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil.”

1. The shield of faith is BULLETPROOF to enemies’ attacks. Armor doesn’t work if you are running away from the battle.

The shield covered all of the armor and soldier’s front side; it was large 4x2, about the size of a door. And a soldier stood behind it fully protected from the fiery arrows of the approaching enemy. Satan attacks by flinging accusation, fear, discouragement and pain.

Faith is what keeps the doubts that Satan tries to fill our minds with.  When we struggle with doubt we need to ask God for more faith.

Faith is moving from knowing facts to trusting a person. "Without faith it is IMPOSSIBLE to please God" Hebrews 11:6.

One of my favorite stories of faith is in Matthew 14. The disciples were with Jesus on a boat on the Sea of Galilee. The Sea of Galilee is 690 feet below sea level. Mount Hermon rises 9200 feet and many times strong winds would sweep down through the gorges in this valley causing sudden storms.

Jesus had just finished teaching and feeding the 5,000 plus people. I showed the video clip from "The Bible" series of Jesus walking on the water (John 14:22-32).

The disciples faced a situation where they were not in control.

We all face situations that are out of our own control. The truth about our lives is that either we are currently:

In a storm. Coming out of a storm. Stepping into a storm.

John 16:33: “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”

When Peter lost sight of Jesus, his shield of faith fell. Most of us can admit that God is on control.

2. Faith is moving from knowing facts to trusting a person.

Peter went from thoughts to action. He stepped out of the boat and walked to Jesus. He trusted Jesus.

3. Jesus is in control during the storm; the storm isn’t in control.

 Faith is what shields us from the storms of life.

27 But Jesus spoke to them at once. “Don’t be afraid,” he said. “Take courage. I am here!”

Faith through Christ destroys the attack of the enemy and gives us COURAGE to stand firm. Are we known for our undying and unrelenting faith? Does your faith cost you anything?

Element of Fun: The middle school students played "trust fall" and we had adult leaders showing from the stage how to catch each other and show faith.

Music: Sweetness of Freedom, Holy Spirit, Break Every Chain , Oceans (Where my Feet may Fall)

Favorite Moment: Listening to students share about how they are learning to trust God. 

What’s Next: We are finishing the series, “Call of Duty” as we talk about going on offense!

To watch any of the series messages, check out the vimeo page

Multi-site Student Ministry

multi-siteMulti-site student ministry. If you told me a few years ago that I would be wading into the waters of multi-site ministry, I would have told you that you are CRAZY. I've researched a lot about multi-site. I feel like a rookie that is hungry to learn. I've had great conversations, video chats and email communication with leaders all over the US. One theme that I keep hearing is that it is working! Students are coming to Christ and the church is growing outside of a one-dimensional role. We are seeing churches multiply themselves in other communities instead of pouring millions into more buildings at one location.

I have learned church planting on the go as it relates to student ministry. We are excited to launch a full-time student ministry at our Villages campus this August.

Life was easier with one site. But why do what is easy? I love being a part of a church that is thinking ahead and trying to be on the forefront of reaching people with the gospel. As I look ahead in 10 years, most churches will be moving to multi-site.

I'm learning a lot right now. I'm learning to be dependent on God's wisdom.

Stay tuned because I will be sharing more of this journey over the next few months on the blog! 

If you are in multi-site student ministry and have some tips, I'm all ears! Share in the comments below.