Multi-site student ministry. If you told me a few years ago that I would be wading into the waters of multi-site ministry, I would have told you that you are CRAZY.
I've researched a lot about multi-site. I feel like a rookie that is hungry to learn. I've had great conversations, video chats and email communication with leaders all over the US. One theme that I keep hearing is that it is working! Students are coming to Christ and the church is growing outside of a one-dimensional role. We are seeing churches multiply themselves in other communities instead of pouring millions into more buildings at one location.
I have learned church planting on the go as it relates to student ministry. We are excited to launch a full-time student ministry at our Villages campus this August.
Life was easier with one site. But why do what is easy? I love being a part of a church that is thinking ahead and trying to be on the forefront of reaching people with the gospel. As I look ahead in 10 years, most churches will be moving to multi-site.
I'm learning a lot right now. I'm learning to be dependent on God's wisdom.
Stay tuned because I will be sharing more of this journey over the next few months on the blog!
If you are in multi-site student ministry and have some tips, I'm all ears! Share in the comments below.