When your wife is pregnant...


We are enjoying the expectations of having our first child! It is fun to talk, pray and look forward to parenting. It is interesting what people come and say during this process. Some say, "your life will never be the same" in a sad tone. Other people give hope and talk about how children are a blessing from God. First, I am actually pumped to have children! We can watch cartoons and play with legos. Why is that so sad and depressing? Second, I am blown away that God has blessed us with a child. We want to prepare ourselves to be all that God wants as parents. I'm really excited, scared, and pumped to be a Dad. Since my wife's been pregnant (or "with child," if you want to go biblical) I have learned a few things:

-It is important to not use the term "we are pregnant." Haha! She reminds me that she will birth the child and eat all the ice cream! -Rubbing feet is important, as well as whatever else hurts at the moment. -Learn to say "yes" to any request, especially to the grocery store. I'm the awkward guy roaming around the store trying to find whatever craving she has at the time. -My wife is more beautiful as a mother. Cassidy will be a great mother! She is already revealing her love in how she talks about the babies health, future and salvation.

I've learned that through the grace and strength of Christ, we can endure through the trials of life. I'm grateful that His grace is what makes it possible to have this blessing of a child on the way. My prayer is that our child will become a servant of God.

Thank you for your prayers!

Surrender the Addiction


Addictions! Webster's Dictionary definition is, "to surrender oneself to something obsessively or habitually." People are addicted to spending money, controlling others, drugs, alcohol, food, internet, sports, gossip, and even social networking! Do you know someone who ruined their life with addictions? What is your addiction? You know and I know that we are addicted to something.  We might say...“I will just be a casual drinker” or “I’ll just look once at the porn and I will be strong enough to say no later.” Addictions usually begin with overconfidence. Some of us would say that we do not struggle with addiction, but we are so addicted, we don’t even realize it. Addiction begins when we are ‘enticed’ by our evil desires. It looks good, smells GOOD and feels good!

But each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death. James 1:14-15

Addictions begin by giving into our selfish desires. It is not just asking for forgiveness, but turning to God instead of the addiction. We must have changed HEARTS before we have changed actions. What we worship leads to addiction.

Where do we begin with surrendering our addictions? We need to admit and repent to God

Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord. Acts 3:19 

Giving into temptation is finding momentary satisfaction in a substance or person for deliverance other than Jesus. Addictions lead us to live in secret. Everyone needs an accountability partner. It is a relationship between two people who share their struggles and mess-ups. Make a commitment and promise to be loyal, trustworthy and confidential.

Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. James 5:1

No temptation has seized you except that which is common to man.  And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.  But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.  1 Corinthians 10:13

The Christian life is not a walk, but a battle! Satan’s goal is for us to be destroyed. You cannot keep doing the same thing and expect different results. We must surrender to God through repentance and accountability!


10 Helpful Ministry Websites


Below are a few helpful websites and blogs I use on a regular basis. Check them out! Creation Swap - Amazing logos, slides and creative ideas!

Source4YouthMinistry - Great resource for everything student ministry!

Open Lifechurch.tv - LifeChurch shares great resources for the entire church!

Youth Ministry Garage - A place to share questions and answers with others in the ministry. Also, the podcast is great each week!

Orange Leaders - Tips, ideas and helpful resources to bridge the family and the church together.

Youth Ministry.com - Helpful articles, freebies and resources.

YouthMin.Org - New blog that is bringing together youth minister's and their voices to encourage each other.

Stuff I Can Use - Free resources from Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, KY.

Churchleaders.com - It is packed full of great blogs and resources on leadership.

Youth Leader Stash - All kinds of ideas, free resources and blog posts!

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