
When your wife is pregnant...


We are enjoying the expectations of having our first child! It is fun to talk, pray and look forward to parenting. It is interesting what people come and say during this process. Some say, "your life will never be the same" in a sad tone. Other people give hope and talk about how children are a blessing from God. First, I am actually pumped to have children! We can watch cartoons and play with legos. Why is that so sad and depressing? Second, I am blown away that God has blessed us with a child. We want to prepare ourselves to be all that God wants as parents. I'm really excited, scared, and pumped to be a Dad. Since my wife's been pregnant (or "with child," if you want to go biblical) I have learned a few things:

-It is important to not use the term "we are pregnant." Haha! She reminds me that she will birth the child and eat all the ice cream! -Rubbing feet is important, as well as whatever else hurts at the moment. -Learn to say "yes" to any request, especially to the grocery store. I'm the awkward guy roaming around the store trying to find whatever craving she has at the time. -My wife is more beautiful as a mother. Cassidy will be a great mother! She is already revealing her love in how she talks about the babies health, future and salvation.

I've learned that through the grace and strength of Christ, we can endure through the trials of life. I'm grateful that His grace is what makes it possible to have this blessing of a child on the way. My prayer is that our child will become a servant of God.

Thank you for your prayers!