White Christmas (Refuge Style)


We had our first white Christmas last year while visiting family in Greenville, South Carolina. I've always loved this rendition of the song. We bring this video to you to share of our dream of a white Christmas in Ashford, Alabama! Merry Christmas!

Refuge Student Ministry 2011 Highlights!


I'm grateful that God allows us to be a part of His story! It has been a full and blessed year. It is great to look back and thank God for all that He has done and will continue to do. I had a blast leading and serving with the students and adults at Watermark Church! If I did not have all the help and support from the staff, small group leaders, families and friends, none of it would be possible. Here are the highlights of 2011!

Refuge Promo

Refuge Band leading at Worship Night @ Watermark Church!
Pure Life Weekend, February 17-19, 2011 @ Watermark Church

Pure Life 2011 from Refuge4Students on Vimeo.

"iGro" Beach Retreat, April 15-17, 2011 @ Panama City Beach, Florida

"iGro" Beach Retreat 2011 from Refuge4Students on Vimeo.

WIRED Camp, July 10-15th, 2011 @ Dothan, Alabama

Costa Rica Mission Trip, June 25-July 3rd, 2011

Family Lake Trip, August 13th, 2011 @ Lake Eufaula, Alabama

Refuge Cardboard Testimonies, September 28th, 2011

Push the Agenda


What is an agenda?

Agenda: a list or outline of things to be considered or done. 

Political agenda: an underlying often ideological plan or program.

Hidden agenda: a plan or goal that guides someone's behavior and that is often kept secret; push/promote your own agenda no matter what the others say. Webster's dictionary. 

Great leaders take their followers through God's agenda. If you look around, everyone has a different agenda they are pushing. During Christmas we see thousands of organizations who are in need. Agendas in leadership usually fit into a category of the next "golden egg" that will forever change the world.

I am passionate about investing in students, mentoring, speaking, teaching and whatever else I can do to help this generation. I read blogs, books, listen to podcasts and more to find out how to improve. The danger that I see in my own life is that if I'm too busy pushing my own agenda, I can miss God's agenda. The tendency that arises when someone is not excited about what I am excited about is to move on. What I have to realize is that I must lead them to find God's purpose and help them find their place in the story. A leader who tries to push their agenda hammers round people into square holes. I think that in order to lead people, we must help them see God's agenda. It is all about leading people to become fully devoted followers of Christ.

People are pushed away when we push our own agenda as the agenda. Jesus knew all along that Judas was going to betray him. Jesus forgave and reinstated Peter when he denied him three times. Jesus was willing to embrace grace with His disciples. Jesus was more concerned with who they were becoming more than their mistakes. As a leader my desire should be to lead people, not push my agenda. People matter the most to Jesus. Jesus' agenda was the salvation of mankind. My prayer is that I will lead people to be passionate about God's agenda.