No Fear - Psalm 23

(I'm on a mission trip right now in Africa, I would appreciate your prayers) We all have some type of fear no matter how big or small. The question is whether we will give into fear or find courage through a relationship with Christ?

1 The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing. 2 He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters,  3 he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. 4 Even though I walk through the darkest valley,[a] I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.5 You prepare a table before me    in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. 6 Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever. Psalm 23

This passage of scripture is one of the most often quoted and best-loved in the entire Old Testament. However, despite all this, there is a section in this passage that has been widely misunderstood.  The attitude that was portrayed must be one that represents and focuses on missions. Understanding God’s protection in our lives, we are freed to serve Him and be provided for everything we need. A life of no fear results in reckless service to lift up the name of Jesus Christ. Missionaries all over the world have to live outside their own comfort zones and culture to reach the lost and that comes from not succumbing to the status quo.

We Should Ask God to be our Shepherd and make it personal. We know that He is always with us (Isaiah 41:10). If we are his, we will never been in need because He is our shepherd. Paul wrote that he is our "Abba father" in Romans 8:15.

The love and protection God gives will fuel our courage to follow at any cost. We will be rested and refreshed in our lives daily. Our souls will be restored and this will lead to steady, committed service to Jesus not because we have to, but because we get to! The sheep must stay close to the shepherd if they are to be fearless. “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment, but he who fears has not been made perfect in love” 1 John 1:18.

In today’s world with reliable transportation and secure bank accounts we sometimes do not see much need in depending upon God. However, we must look back and see the results of David’s reliance on God. David was able to truthfully say that he would not fear even though he walked through a valley that was in the very proximity of death itself. The end result of David’s dependence upon and trust in God was a confidence that he was going to the “house of the Lord” after he died. In order for us to be able to experience the same results we must do as David. That is to be under the control of the Shepherd and be led by Him. To walk with the Lord is to think, act, and believe in Him with all of your heart. If we truly do this then we can truly say that no matter what happens, we will have no fear. Eternal hope is in Jesus and His power and guidance can help anyone live and glorify Him.

Will you live your life just to meet the status quo of culture, or will you seek the heart of Jesus? Will we deny ourselves and follow His command to go into all the world and preach the gospel? God’s power is always in full supply and we have been received a biblical mandate for missions in order to glorify God.

Feed Yo' Self

If you look around most people you see are starving. No, not physically as much but more so spiritually. A follower of Christ must learn to feed themselves spiritually if they are going to reach maturity. You might hear statements like this, "I am not being fed at this church" or "it is not deep enough for me" or "I was not moved emotionally enough in that sermon." All of those statements scream. "I CAN'T SURVIVE on my own relationship with Christ!" Babies need someone to feed them and are completely dependent. Many people come to church with a "give me" mentality that is killing the church. We have so many church "hoppers" due to spiritual babies wanting the next experience to pacify themselves. Babies are focused on themselves, they really have no idea that they are but that is their maturity level.  Here's a few examples:

  • Spiritual babies only want what they can get. Spiritual giants are the people who come to church with a heart of service and encouragement to those in leadership.
  • Spiritual babies are looking for what makes them feel happy. A spiritual giant is one that looks for ways to help others know the love of Jesus Christ.
  • Spiritual babies are critical when a pastor/leader does not tell them what they want to hear. A spiritual giant welcomes the challenge of the entire Word of God gladly with humility.
  • Spiritual babies are never happy due to relying solely on emotion. A spiritual giant is focused upon joy despite their circumstances.

As followers of Christ, we are responsible to know and understand God's Word. The church leaders should equip you through preaching and teaching. Ultimately the church is here to support you to grow in your relationship with God. As leaders we are to provide clear, powerful and applicable messages from God's Word. It is the role of the leader to set the spiritual direction of the church through preaching the Word. But, if people only rely on one or two hours per week and never pick up their Bibles for themselves, they will remain spiritual babies. The Word of God should call us to to live it more than hearing it alone.

Spend time in the Word of God and meditate on it. If you church does not teach the true Word of God, that is a problem! But, if your expectations is simply to be entertained, you will never grow into a mature follower of Christ. I shared a message on how to know and live God's Word, you can listen to it here

"Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation" 1 Peter 2:2.

Crave it. Seek after God daily and then you will understand how to follow Christ. It is a battle everyday but those that realize that life is not about themselves, they grow to full maturity in Christ! Feed yourself!


What Really Matters


As followers of Christ, while we are here on earth our mission is to glorify God! One frustration that I have with those in Bible colleges or seminaries is that they spend countless hours debating views of theology, soteriology, eschatology, worship style, denominational differences or whether we should wear ties to church or jeans! We are missing it! Theology and beliefs matter, but when we stand before God one day His questions will NOT be about how much biblical information we know or what church strategy we adhered to on earth. In Heaven, there will be no more need for teaching, evangelism, or preaching. Jesus explains why He came to earth, "For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost" Luke 19:10. A great question to ask as leaders or future leaders is, "how many people are you investing in and sharing the love and grace of Christ?" I believe this question is more important than how much information or what theological camp you have decided to stake your tent. Our passion should be unity to glorify God. What really matters is our attitude, words, actions and lifestyles as leaders. I am hearing more and more that those who claim to be called into ministry are falling into using four letter filth words in their daily conversations and choosing lifestyles that are the same as the lost world. My encouragement is to compare your actions with scripture. 1 Timothy 3 explains the qualifications for those who want to be ministry leaders.

1 Here is a trustworthy saying: Whoever aspires to be an overseer desires a noble task. 2 Now the overseer is to be above reproach, faithful to his wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, 3 not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. 4 He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him, and he must do so in a manner worthy of full respect. 5 (If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God’s church?) 6 He must not be a recent convert, or he may become conceited and fall under the same judgment as the devil. 7 He must also have a good reputation with outsiders, so that he will not fall into disgrace and into the devil’s trap. 1 Timothy 3:1-7

"Must be above reproach" does not mean perfection, but it does mean we are held to a higher standard. In other words, there should be no obvious, flagrant sin that distracts from leading people. Notice that Paul uses the word, "must." Being an example is not an option as a leader, it is absolutely necessary.

"Self-controlled" means that as leaders we should be reluctant to fight. The goal of the leader is to bring unity in all possibly ways. Are you self-controlled with your mouth? Do you lose control of your temper and give into wrath? We will all struggle with anger but if you aren't struggling with it, then you might have given into it!

"Not addicted to wine": As a leader you should not have a reputation as a "drinker." Why? Because it is a stumbling block for believers and non-believers. Another reason is that we won't be clouded in our judgment. For me, I choose not to drink. Why? I see no need for it and my last desire is to cause a student or another person to become addicted and fall into any distraction that will keep them from following and honoring Christ. As a leader, we should set an example and be radically different than the world. If we are not radically different, then why would a lost person want to follow Christ if their lifestyle is the same as yours?

"Not quarrelsome" As a leader the goal should be about redemption more so than winning the argument. One of the main reasons people do not come to church is because of all the bickering, fighting and arguments of those who claim to be followers of Christ. "By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." John 13:35. Are you more passionate about winning the argument than winning the relationship with people? If you are only worried about winning the argument, then you are quite similar to the pharisees. Primary issues such as salvation, eternity, the virgin birth and Jesus being the messiah are important to discuss. But, whether a person wears a certain type of clothes or the worship style of a church is a secondary issue. I know I have fallen in this area but I'm striving to see beyond semantics and love people. What really matters is people need the hope of Christ and we need to begin loving each other instead of arguing!

How can a person be genuinely saved and the thought of a lost and doomed world never cross their mind? How can they read the newspaper or watch TV and see the depravity that is all around them and not figure out something to do about it? We have what the world needs and the answer is Jesus. Let's focus on what really matters and not on our personal agendas, leanings, or theological camps. Saturate your life in His Word and live out your faith to a lost and hurting world that desperately needs Jesus!