
Feed Yo' Self

If you look around most people you see are starving. No, not physically as much but more so spiritually. A follower of Christ must learn to feed themselves spiritually if they are going to reach maturity. You might hear statements like this, "I am not being fed at this church" or "it is not deep enough for me" or "I was not moved emotionally enough in that sermon." All of those statements scream. "I CAN'T SURVIVE on my own relationship with Christ!" Babies need someone to feed them and are completely dependent. Many people come to church with a "give me" mentality that is killing the church. We have so many church "hoppers" due to spiritual babies wanting the next experience to pacify themselves. Babies are focused on themselves, they really have no idea that they are but that is their maturity level.  Here's a few examples:

  • Spiritual babies only want what they can get. Spiritual giants are the people who come to church with a heart of service and encouragement to those in leadership.
  • Spiritual babies are looking for what makes them feel happy. A spiritual giant is one that looks for ways to help others know the love of Jesus Christ.
  • Spiritual babies are critical when a pastor/leader does not tell them what they want to hear. A spiritual giant welcomes the challenge of the entire Word of God gladly with humility.
  • Spiritual babies are never happy due to relying solely on emotion. A spiritual giant is focused upon joy despite their circumstances.

As followers of Christ, we are responsible to know and understand God's Word. The church leaders should equip you through preaching and teaching. Ultimately the church is here to support you to grow in your relationship with God. As leaders we are to provide clear, powerful and applicable messages from God's Word. It is the role of the leader to set the spiritual direction of the church through preaching the Word. But, if people only rely on one or two hours per week and never pick up their Bibles for themselves, they will remain spiritual babies. The Word of God should call us to to live it more than hearing it alone.

Spend time in the Word of God and meditate on it. If you church does not teach the true Word of God, that is a problem! But, if your expectations is simply to be entertained, you will never grow into a mature follower of Christ. I shared a message on how to know and live God's Word, you can listen to it here

"Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation" 1 Peter 2:2.

Crave it. Seek after God daily and then you will understand how to follow Christ. It is a battle everyday but those that realize that life is not about themselves, they grow to full maturity in Christ! Feed yourself!


Recap Thoughts on 1 & 2 Corinthians

Paul’s message to the Corinthians was that salvation through Christ alone for salvation is the foundation. Paul wrote this letter to correct what he saw as erroneous views in the Corinthian church. Basically, divisions within the church at Corinth seem to be an issue, and Paul makes it a point to mention these conflicts in the beginning. Specifically, pagan roots still hold sway within their community. Paul wants to bring them back to his doctrines, stating that God has given him the opportunity to be a “skilled master builder” to lay the foundation and let others build upon it (1 Cor 3:10). Paul always pointed to having a clear and firm foundation built upon faith in Christ and not upon man or the law. This book is the beginning of Paul chastising and reminding the Corinthian believers that they are to be examples of Christ.

Paul continually reminds them of their immorality and sets an example of teaching accountability in the church. The immoral ways of the world were seeping into the church and many people were adapting to their surroundings instead of being changed by Christ. Paul states that this letter is not meant to make them feel ashamed but to “admonish” them as beloved children. They are expected to become imitators of Jesus and follow the ways in Christ as he, Paul, teaches in all his churches (1 Cor. 4:14-16). Paul always preached Jesus and through his letters to the Corinthians, he focused upon being a follower of Christ in word and deed.

In the second letter to the Corinthians Paul reminds them once again to living for God’s glory and to not seek the world’s pleasures. Paul balances the correction of their unwise actions with his undying love for the people through the power of God. It must have been hard to put up with this church, they were easily swayed by worldly philosophies and ideas. Paul is the spiritual father that helps focus the people upon Christ and Him alone.

Paul had to defend himself with some of his important teachings on being forgiving and clear on following Christ. He states the importance of forgiving others, and God’s new agreement that comes from the Spirit of the living God (2 Cor. 3:3), and the importance of being a person of Christ.

The “harsh words” that Paul spoke in 2 Corinthians were in defense of their lack of being under his authority. Paul is simply responding to the heartache of dealing with their selfishness and points them to focus on sharing the gospel, Jesus crucifixion, death and resurrection. Paul is a great example of sharing the truth but in a way that people can be restored through repentance.