
Launch Series Week 5 - Message in 10 Tweets

#launchseries – week 5 “Leading by Influencing”The teaching from week 5 in 140 characters or less… 1) The whole of leadership is summed up in the word, “influence.”

2) If you and I influence those around us for Christ, many times we will encounter resistance.

3) How we live should cause people to thirst for Christ

4) The world is decaying around us and in need of restoration through a relationship with Jesus (Matthew 5:13-16).

5) People make conclusions about God because of how we live.

6) The closer we follow Jesus, the brighter out light will be to those around us (Matthew 5:15-16).

7) The purpose of life is to draw attention to God’s glory.

8) The overall goal of our lives of influence is to bring glory to God.

9) Jesus is the answer to the world, we are His plan to reveal it. 

10) Influence people for Jesus, one life at a time. 

To watch any of the series messages, check out the vimeo page

Human Sex Trafficking and the Super Bowl

People made in God's image are being used.  My heart is broken. But did you know that the Super Bowl is one of the top sex trafficking events every year in America?

Facts and Stats - There are an estimated 27 million slaves worldwide today, enough to fill the New Orleans Superdome to capacity almost 353 times. - There are roughly 200,000 slaves in the United States today.  It is the equivalent of the full rosters of close to 3,774 football teams. - Two children are sold into slavery every minute worldwide.  508 children were sold during the 254 minutes of the 2013 Super Bowl broadcast. - The human trafficking industry brings in nearly 32 billion dollars each year.  That is 139 times more than the $230 million made by broadcast ad sales for the 2013 Super Bowl. - The average slave is sold for no more than $90.  The cheapest ticket for the Super Bowl started at $650.

In 2014, the Super Bowl will be hosted at MetLife stadium in New Jersey. I enjoy watching the Super Bowl every year, but this year, I have a new outlook on what really matters.

Sports are exciting, but I will be praying more this year for God's power to push back the darkness.

Laws or government will not ultimately fix this issue.  The church is the answer to helping people in the darkness see the light of Jesus.

I believe this is one of the issues of my generation that we need to stop turning a blind eye to.


Avoiding the Machine of Ministry

If you are in ministry, you might at times feel tired.  I like to think of it as the machine of ministry. The machine of ministry looks like this: - You are exhausted mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually most of the time. - You go through the motions of ministry work. - Your only concern is the attendance, and you’re not that excited about stories of life-change. - Worship is hard to get into because you “already know these songs.” - You compare yourself with other churches and leaders. - Your appearance gets more attention than your spiritual heart.

I’ve experienced these feeling at times in my own life.  How do we avoid falling into a robot of ministry where we lose sight of the sensitivity of God’s Spirit?

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