
Stop and Start - Part 2

A blog series on how families can apply the gospel into their pain and dysfunction.

Part 2 - How to Set Priorities that Matter. How do you decide what is most important in your life? We all face decisions every day. Where will I eat lunch? Do I want to go to church? Will I accept that Facebook friend invite?

One major issue in today's families is the lack of priority in what eternally matters. I say that because many students live stressful, packed schedules. Many times the last place on their priority list is their spiritual growth. Sports, dance, academics and more are the main priorities.

The Bible does not give a step-by-step checklist to follow. It does provide principles that are applicable to how we make wise decisions with our lives. According to God, below are the priorities that matter most:

#1 God

#2 Spouse 

#3 Children 

 #4 Everything Else. This is where it gets messy.

 Paul talks more about what matter most in life! 

I once thought these things were valuable, but now I consider them worthless because of what Christ has done. Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ and become one with him. I no longer count on my own righteousness through obeying the law; rather, I become righteous through faith in Christ. For God’s way of making us right with himself depends on faith. I want to know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised him from the dead. I want to suffer with him, sharing in his death, so that one way or another I will experience the resurrection from the dead! Philippians 3:7-14

The apostle Paul talks about putting excessive value on things. The creation becomes worshipped more than the Creator. The world considers these valuable, but to God it's just earthly things. In fact, its just MANURE compared to knowing Christ! The greek word in v. 8 is translated as “rubbish” is actually the word for poop!

The Philippians were the most supportive church of Paul’s missionary work. The Church at Philippi was undergoing persecution for a while and now Paul is in prison writing this letter to them. Paul writes to encourage them. Paul referred to Christ’ persecutions and His faithfulness. Everything we call great in this world is nothing compared to knowing Jesus.

 According to Paul, here is what matters most in life: 

  • Pressing on to being more like Christ

  • Forget past mistakes. God has forgiven you.

  • Press onto God’s specific purpose for your life. 

 Jesus is not just a priority in the family. Stop viewing God as a part of your life. Instead start viewing God AS your life. The heart response is that Jesus is not just a priority but He is the center of our lives. When we simply "put" Jesus first, it can turn into a checklist that we follow. Slowly, we put God into a box that we create.

A few questions to consider:  

- What sort of things would be hardest for you to give up? - Imagine a manure-meter that lets you score your progress as you learn to live Phil. 3:8, as you learn to value the things of the world. What would be your score of one to ten? (10 being “I counted everything as loss” and 1 being “Well, there’s something about manure that I like.”) Why would you score yourself that way? - Ask Christ to help you focus on Him and not on the things of this world

How do we have a strong nation? We have strong churches who love Jesus. How do we have strong churches? We have strong families that love Jesus. How do we have strong families? We have strong marriages that are the foundation for generations to come. How do we build strong marriages? Individuals who love Jesus more than anything in this world. What would you add about family priorities? How do we decide on setting priorities in our family? 

Source SM Recap: Volume #9

Teaching series: Rhythm – Week 2 “Discovering Life in Christ”

Main Thought: Jesus died so He could be our life, not just part of it.

Length of service: 70 minutes. We have separate teaching time for middle school and high school. We have a unified worship experience with the band in the middle of the evening. We have small groups immediately after the teaching and response by grade and gender.

Source Schedule Explanation:

Messsage Explanation: A whole generation is asking these questions about their existence:

1. Why am I here? 2. What is my purpose? - World says: There is no purpose, nothing really matters. - Bible says: To bring glory to God (Gen. 3:8, Ex. 25).

We find the wonder in the rescue of Jesus and now we pursue a life of becoming like Christ  (Mark 8:34-37). Jesus says that losers are winners. We weren’t just saved from something; we were saved to something. Jesus living through you only happens when we think less of ourselves and our performance and more of Jesus and his performance for us. We don’t just die; we die to live. The truth is that Jesus + Nothing = everything. Have you died with Christ and forgotten the old self? If so, is Christ living in and through you?

Scripture: Galatians 2:20, Mark 8:34-37.

Element of fun: We had a middle school game called, "iPod idol." Students came up and received a pre-planned ipod with random hit songs on the playlist. They had to sing it with the earbuds in their ears to everyone through the microphone. It was hilarious! The winner received a new Source t-shirt as a prize!

Music Set: We are the Free, Love, Only To You, Your Lover Never Fails, Forever Reign, Jesus Paid it All (Closing)

Favorite Moment: Two high school guys responded to Christ. It was a great night of worship and relationship building with the students.

What’s Next: We will be continuing our series “Rhythm” next week. We will be talking about living a passionate life in how we love one another.

Book Review: Shift

Author Info: Dr. Brian Haynes serves as Lead Pastor at Bay Area First Baptist Church in League City, Texas. Brian is the creator of the Legacy Milestones strategy designed to inseparably link church and home to equip the generations.

To learn more about Brian visit: or

Why I chose to read this: We need a shift in how we minister to students. There have been many books written and messages spoken about what it takes to reach this generation. I've enjoyed learning and studying how we are to lead and equip parents to be the leaders in their homes. I had a "shift" in my understanding of being a student pastor when I started in ministry. Instead of looking at parents with a positive attitude, I looked at the statistics and lack of parents leading their children spiritually. What I have learned over the years is that my desire is to reach students, one home at a time.

Highlights of "Shift: What it Takes to Finally Reaching Families Today."

Brian Haynes wrote this book to highlight a cultural shift back to the principles of scripture. In Deuteronomy 6:4-9, the Shema was given to set up the biblical model of spiritual formation.

Haynes says this, "The tragedy, unless something changes, is that today's children will live a warped, individualistic, self-serving form of Christianity. They'll make decisions based upon feelings rather than truth...And eventually, as life goes by, the influence of Christianity in our culture will grow dim and silent."

As I have watched and talked with many parents over the past 8 years, one thing I have learned is that less often does the home life become an incubator to help children develop spiritually.

Reasons parents do not lead in the home:  - Families are busy: Children are in extracurricular activities by the time they enter preschool. Students are stressed out and filled with anxiety many times because of the pressures of many activities. In today's culture, rest is considered many times for the weak.

- Parents think discipling their children is the professional's job: We cannot outsource the spiritual formation of our own families to the church. Although the norm is to outsource their education to the school systems or to a local sports coach to help students improve, God's original blueprint is for parents to disciple their own children. The church and parents need to work together!

- Parents aren't sure how to be primary faith influencers: Many parents have no idea how to lead their children spiritually. Sometimes it is because they were never shown how by their parents.

As a student pastor, my first ministry is to my family. If I am supposed to lead other families then I need to be authentic. Brian explains the importance of evaluating your own family strategy. I have started to think about what kind of environment that I hope Micah grows up into and how Cassidy feels loved in my family.

The book helps explain the importance of one simple approach to discipleship. One simple path. What if the church embraced a strategy to help equip parents to be the primary influencers in the home? Resources, training, encouragement and more.

The book has some terminology associated with the strategy:

1. Milestone: The strategy focuses upon the seven milestones that every person growing in their relationship with Christ experiences and celebrates. When a person reaches this milestone, that growth is celebrated as praise for how God is working in the person and as a motivation to continue walking the path.

2. Core Competencies: Each child, adolescent or adult must learn key truths as they progress from one milestone to the next.

3. Faith Talks: The parents must reinforce the core competencies to their children or students in formal and informal ways. Faith talks are intentional times set aside each week for conversations based upon scripture. It can be done at the dinner table, a walk in the park or a trip to Starbucks.

4. God Sightings: It gives parents the opportunity to reach core competencies in informal ways by modeling and speaking truth. It could be a sunset together or watching a baptism. It is capturing the moment with your family in order to teach God's truth.

5. Church Events: The church would host events to support each milestone. The purpose is to connect parents with each other for support, ideas and encouragement and to celebrate God's working in the family life.

6. Parent Summit Conference: Twice per year, they would host a conference that has a passion to encourage and motivate parents. It is a time to help chart their course and determine where their student(s) is on the journey along the milestones.

7. Parent Seminars: Training is given for each specific milestone.

8. Family celebrations: Helps teach parents how to host an at-home celebration for almost every milestone. For many families these celebrations are the most moving and meaningful steps along the way.

As natural development occurs in the family, the seven milestones are clear steps to help lead the family spiritually. It highlights the importance of building the parents up to be successful in making the most of the time.

7 Milestones:

1. The birth of a baby: This milestone connects new parents with the responsibility and opportunity of leading their children spiritually. It is baby dedication but with a seminar to teach parents the ways to lead.

2. Faith commitment: It is to lead your children to Christ. Teaching and helping parents know how to help their students make the decision.

3. Preparing for adolescence: The church partners with parents of 9-12 year olds to help them grow spiritually.

4. Commitment to purity: It is leading parents to help their students make a decision to be pure.

5. Passage to adulthood: Helping students walk into adulthood with maturity and God's vision for their lives.

6. High school graduation: Leading upcoming graduates to be influencers for Christ after high school.

7. Life in Christ: A process of helping adults become discipled in the main 7 competencies of a Christian (Prayer, scripture, authentic faith, obedient follower, disciple maker, giving/serving, and community.

"Cookie cutters are for cookies. What I am about to show you is a strategy designed specifically for Kingsland Baptist Church in suburban Houston, Texas. The principles behind this strategy are universal... You're the expert regarding your church and your ministry" (page 42). Shift has been an eye-opening book on the need for a shift in how the church partners with parents. I plan to take many of these principles and apply them in our culture at church. We are opening our new resource center called, "Homefront" at Church @ The Springs in the next few weeks. Reading this book has helped me understand a clear process of partnering with families. We hope to provide a resource center for parents to adequately receive the helps and encouragement to grow as a family.

What are your thoughts about what it takes to reach families in 2012? What thoughts or ideas do you have to shift into partnering with parents?