
Character > Success


An elder must be blameless, faithful to his wife, a man whose children believe and are not open to the charge of being wild and disobedient. Since an overseer manages God’s household, he must be blameless—not overbearing, not quick-tempered, not given to drunkenness, not violent, not pursuing dishonest gain. Rather, he must be hospitable, one who loves what is good, who is self-controlled, upright, holy and disciplined. He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it. Titus 1:

In my short time in ministry, I have seen a lot of things. I have learned a lot of what to do and a lot of what not to do in leadership. As we all are flawed, it comes out eventually. Does it matter what we do behind closed doors or how we interact with others in ministry? Most would say "YES!" But is that reality?

What is sacrificed on the altar of success? Too much, I'm afraid. 

A movement has arisen. A movement of success of systems, procedures and strategies. It is a continual search for the next magic pill that will slingshot the church into growth. Without knowing it we forget that our job as leaders is to communicate God's Word and not our "thoughts" about God's Word. You see, character is what matters most. Why? Because as leaders our goal should be to be the same person 100% of the time. Jesus does not want part of our lives, He wants all of it.

We are all broken and sinful. We make dumb decisions and have the wrong attitudes on a daily basis. So my question is do we simply accept our depravity as believers and quit pursuing holiness because we think it is legalism? 

Another movement is all about freedom. Freedom in Christ. Freedom in the sense of indulging in anything you enjoy. Actually when Paul talked about freedom, he always talked about being a bondservant to Christ. Why is it now cool to be as much like the world that we hardly look any different? Am I a legalist? Some might say so. I simply want to ask the question.

In every area of my life am I willing to seek character?

It matters what we say.We will take an account of every word we speak in public and private. Past, present and future. Jesus said, "And I tell you this, you must give an account on judgment day for every idle word you speak." Matthew 12:36

The church is bigger than one location. I'm amazed at all the great churches, leaders and missionaries across the world. Why not become an encourager to other people? Why not celebrate when others grow? Why not speak highly of others?

It matters how you lead people you work alongside in ministry. I have seen my Dad in ministry for over 30 years honor others who he has served alongside. He shares his ups and downs with me, but always goes back to the attitude of forgiveness. Too many leaders have unresolved conflict that erodes their hearts. A bitter person is insecure and bashes others who do not agree with their every move. It is a struggle for me and I'm sure if can be for you too. Jesus championed the disciples. Even when they were clueless, Jesus had a long term mindset. He focused upon who they would become and not just who they were at the time. In ministry, we need this attitude.

By the way, Jesus sees our motives so why try to hide it. The truth always comes out in the light eventually.

It matters how we live morally. Am I talking about moralism? No. I'm talking about morality. Too many "successful" ministers have fallen because of a quick decision to slack in their convictions. As leaders, we need to be accountable. We should always strive to be above reproach, or as the scripture above stated - blameless.

Success is being faithful to the call of God. 

What is a true friend?


Friends are our, “Amigos, buddies, pals, bros, comrades, and your posse.” God has wired us for friendship. We crave it and hunger for acceptance. Many times we make dumb mistakes just to be accepted and feel like we belong in a group. Friendship is a powerful aspect of life. How do we build true friends? What does a godly friendship look like? Are they just a person we have “fun” with?

“He who walks with the wise grows wise; but a companion of fools suffers harm (Proverbs 13:20 NIV).

"Companion of fools." Your greatest regrets revolve around being with friends.

"Suffers Harm." It is much more about who you are with, than what you are doing.

What does it mean to be a “friend?” A trustworthy person you mutually choose to love and to encourage in order to bring God glory.

  • A friend admits when they are wrong and repents. A friend pushes you towards God instead of away.
  • A friend is under authority. Humility defines their heart.
  • A friend will encourage you even when you fail
  • A friend will encourage you to live for Jesus.
  • A friend knows you deeply and loves you unconditionally

What is influence? The action or process of producing effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc., of another or others. The people closest to you have access to your heart and mind. Who you surround yourself with has powerful influence over your decisions and future.

If your friends are not very concerned about their lives, they are not going to be concerned about yours. A true friend cares for your soul.

Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13

Friends influence us and have the opportunity to make an impact on our lives. Your friends are like the bottoms on an elevator. They will either take you up or take you down.

Blogging Tips 101


When I started blogging, it was not that popular back in 2007. Over the years I have enjoyed figuring out how to blog and become a better writer. I've learned that to become a better communicator always starts with writing and reading more. One of the main reasons I write is to grow as a follower of Christ and as a leader. I learn and grow when I get alone with my Bible, laptop and ideas. Blogging is simply an outlet for me to express my thoughts, prayers, frustrations and ideas on life, ministry and leadership. Below are some tips on blogging. I use different goals and tools to help me post blogs:

Set a goal of how often you will write. I try to write at least 3 blog post per week. I do not always stick to it but I try to keep up a steady stream of writing.

Write about what you are passionate about in life. I typically write blog posts in three categories:

                  1. Culture/Health/Sports                   2. Leadership/Student Ministry                   3. Family/Marriage

Plan your blog posts. I write blog posts ahead of time. No, I do not sit at my laptop every morning and wait for a new idea. Sometimes I do, but most of the time I do not. I save ideas as drafts and write my thoughts out over a few weeks. Once I have finished blog posts I will schedule them to publish ahead of time. Usually it takes about 30 minutes every few days to formulate ideas to write and edit. If you try to blog on the whim, you probably won't stick to it.

I'm a big fan of Wordpress. I prefer Wordpress because it has so many ways to customize your platform. Wordpress is clean and professional.

Use Evernote! I use Evernote to keep a list of ideas in the three categories of writing blog posts. It is a great tool to organize. Because it is cloud based, you can use it on your phone or computer to record an idea.

Be transparent, but some things are not meant for everyone to read. I try to be transparent in my writing, but there are some things off-limits I do not want to write for the world to read. Blogging is a safe place but is not meant to replace a personal journal either. Always have a filter of wisdom in what you write and how you write. Blogs have become a great tool but they can easily be used by cowards to attack others behind the keyboard of a laptop.

Write to grow. I believe everyone has something to write. Why? Because our culture is quickly moving away from the discipline of writing and reading. Over the coming years we will have unbelievable technology but an increasingly lazy learners. I do not want my learning to stop even when I graduated from college and seminary. Why not create a blog and write about your passions to glorify God? We have so many incredible tools in 2012 to be used for the gospel! Write, grow and always learn.

What are your thoughts? What would you add?