
Is Facebook the new Myspace?


What do you think? Lately, it seems like Facebook has become filled with spam more than ever before. I remember the days of MySpace. Everyone, especially younger students loved it. To me, it was always hard to navigate through and read. Like MySpace, I think Facebook is losing steam in the social networking battle. Google+ is looking better and better each day, but everyone and their grandmother is on Facebook! My all time favorite is Twitter. Why? Because it is basic. You have 140 characters to write with no "like" button or multiple game invites! Twitter wins the "social networking award" in my opinion. We will see it unfold in the coming years. Second to Twitter, Google+ is next in line to Facebook. Will Facebook die a slow death similar to MySpace? We will see.

Social networking is a great tool. It can be used in great ways. You can share scripture, encouraging comments and more. It is a place to share pictures and videos to family and friends. But, the danger that arises is when we see social networking as the actual way we socially interact. We are in a generation that is connected technologically but disconnected relationally. MySpace lost its relevance when it moved away from the basic premise of social networking. It became lost in its purpose. Facebook is slowly losing its purpose. It has gotten so messy. A thumbnail of a dirty picture was left on my wall from spam this past Saturday! I quickly removed it as fast as a I could! Facebook has become less relevant due to ads, spam and games.

The same is true in our spiritual lives. We become distracted by the things of the world. Before we know it, we have lost our focus upon our main purpose. We need to stay focused upon the basics of glorifying God in our lives.

Let's remember that social networking sites can be used for good. But, authentic relationships are meant to be in person. We were not meant to focus all of our energies looking at a computer screen. Social networks can be helpful in connecting people, but it will never take the place of life on life relationships. I pray that we become more connected to God rather than more "connected" on social networks. I pray we never substitute face to face interaction for a social networking website.

What are your thoughts? I'd like to hear them. 


Athlete Spotlight: Is Tebow good enough?


Tim Tebow. Let me just say that I have rooted against him a lot in the last few years. I am a Seminole fan. My wife, Cassidy is a gator fan, but a bigger Tim Tebow fan. Hands down, he is a great athlete. Anyone who says otherwise has no understanding of sports or ability. I could not stand watching him beat the Seminoles each year. It was painful, but I learned to respect not only his leadership on the field but his leadership in life.


He is a good example of what a man of God should be in life. Why do I think this? Tim loves Jesus and is not ashamed. He kneels to give God thanks after a game ("tebowing" as they call it). He is ridiculed for his radical faith, for example, remaining pure until marriage. (Why is that funny? It takes more courage to be pure than it does to be impure!) He was raised in a godly home that taught him the importance of knowing Scripture, which was one reason he wore Scripture verses as his eye black (outlawed soon after Tebow graduated). I had the privilege to meet his mom in Jacksonville. She spoke at a women's event and did a great job. I could see her love for Christ came first in her life. Knowing her bravery to deliver Tim despite the doctors warnings reveals their outlook on life.

I was homeschooled (or homeskooled?). I know you are not that surprised! I grew up playing basketball and baseball in Palm Bay, Florida and later walked on at the college level. If the state of Florida did not allow homeschoolers to play sports in high schools, none of this would be possible. Tim Tebow was the first homeschooler to win the Heisman trophy! In most states you cannot play sports as a homeschooler. Did you know Jason Taylor was homeschooled as well? We are not all into chess club and spelling bees!

I have heard both the negative and positive things about Tim Tebow. Most of those who dislike him are usually the ones that lost to him for years. Here are a few stats from his college career:

  • 2006, 2008 National championship
  • Career Passing: 661 Cmp, 995 Att, 9285 Yds, 88 TD
  • Career Rushing: 692 Att, 2947 Yds, 4.3 Avg, 57 TD
  • Career Scoring: 57 TD, 342 Pts
  • Consensus All-America: 2007
  • Heisman Voting: 1st in 2007, 3rd in 2008 and 5th in 2009
  • Career Pass completion percentage: SEC* 66.4 (1st)
  • Career passing touchdowns SEC* 88 (1st)
  • Career rushing touchdowns SEC* 57 (1st) (More stats HERE)
We all agree (those who are sane) that Tebow was an exceptional college QB. Even haters usually agree that he was a winner. One reason that Tebow has struggled in the NFL is because he is used to having a spread option offense. Urban Meyer was a genius to embrace his offense with Tebow's strengths. Josh McDaniel drafted him with a desire to use him in the offense. McDaniel said this about Tebow, "He has all the traits you look for. It's a good pick." Tebow was ready to prove the critics wrong and make his new coach proud. McDaniel is now gone and the new coach is not his biggest fan.
He is now the starting quarterback for the Broncos, but has yet to find his rhythm. Tebow is a polarizing athlete. He is both criticized and loved by the media. Imagine being in his shoes? If you do not win, you are ridiculed and you hear people say, "Why Tim Tebow will never be a good NFL Quarterback" or "Face it...Tim Tebow just isn't good enough."
People said that when he was in college and now they are saying it in the NFL. Whether Tebow becomes a high quality QB or not, he has consistently revealed an attitude of character. In my opinion, his example for Christ will impact many long after his football career is over. Tim will use every criticism as fuel to improve. Am I a little biased? Maybe. But I know his identity is not found in how great he throws or runs a pigskin ball across a field. His identity is in Jesus Christ and that truly is all that matters.
Do you think Tebow is good enough? I'd like to hear your thoughts! 

What I learned in Egypt - Church Planting

Egypt is in the middle of a transitional government. Not only that, they are facing social unrest each and every day. Within the storm of the political and social unrest I saw the church standing firm with resolve to spread the gospel of Jesus! In America, we have multiple conferences, books, and seminars on numerous topics. One of those is church planting. We began the process of asking the pastor about his church planting strategy. His response was not what we expected. He had not heard the verbage, "church planting!" It was ironic to hear that the Pastor had already began 10 churches in Egypt. He did not have all of the "jargon" down but he was fulfilling his mission to start churches. In America, we place a huge emphasis upon environments, strategies, and meetings. I agree that they are all important in leadership but simple obedience to God is even better. The vision that the pastor told us was to start a church in every city in Egypt! Talk about a vision! He did not have all the charts, graphs and strategies perfectly laid out but he was starting churches. His vision was to start churches, develop young pastors and help build them up. But, he did not have a "strategy of church planting" book, just a passion to lead the church to multiply! The church should be strategic in all things but never at the cost of putting methodology above the message. The gospel is more important than our strategies, conferences and personal preferences.

Jesus said, "I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it."

I'm thankful that God does not base his love for us based on our knowledge or strategies. I'm thankful that God uses us even when we do not have all of the answers. God has begun to show me that His plans are greater than my plans.

Are we relying more on our strategies than simple obedience to God's Word? Are we following the Holy Spirit or our own preferences?