
Athlete Spotlight: Is Tebow good enough?


Tim Tebow. Let me just say that I have rooted against him a lot in the last few years. I am a Seminole fan. My wife, Cassidy is a gator fan, but a bigger Tim Tebow fan. Hands down, he is a great athlete. Anyone who says otherwise has no understanding of sports or ability. I could not stand watching him beat the Seminoles each year. It was painful, but I learned to respect not only his leadership on the field but his leadership in life.


He is a good example of what a man of God should be in life. Why do I think this? Tim loves Jesus and is not ashamed. He kneels to give God thanks after a game ("tebowing" as they call it). He is ridiculed for his radical faith, for example, remaining pure until marriage. (Why is that funny? It takes more courage to be pure than it does to be impure!) He was raised in a godly home that taught him the importance of knowing Scripture, which was one reason he wore Scripture verses as his eye black (outlawed soon after Tebow graduated). I had the privilege to meet his mom in Jacksonville. She spoke at a women's event and did a great job. I could see her love for Christ came first in her life. Knowing her bravery to deliver Tim despite the doctors warnings reveals their outlook on life.

I was homeschooled (or homeskooled?). I know you are not that surprised! I grew up playing basketball and baseball in Palm Bay, Florida and later walked on at the college level. If the state of Florida did not allow homeschoolers to play sports in high schools, none of this would be possible. Tim Tebow was the first homeschooler to win the Heisman trophy! In most states you cannot play sports as a homeschooler. Did you know Jason Taylor was homeschooled as well? We are not all into chess club and spelling bees!

I have heard both the negative and positive things about Tim Tebow. Most of those who dislike him are usually the ones that lost to him for years. Here are a few stats from his college career:

  • 2006, 2008 National championship
  • Career Passing: 661 Cmp, 995 Att, 9285 Yds, 88 TD
  • Career Rushing: 692 Att, 2947 Yds, 4.3 Avg, 57 TD
  • Career Scoring: 57 TD, 342 Pts
  • Consensus All-America: 2007
  • Heisman Voting: 1st in 2007, 3rd in 2008 and 5th in 2009
  • Career Pass completion percentage: SEC* 66.4 (1st)
  • Career passing touchdowns SEC* 88 (1st)
  • Career rushing touchdowns SEC* 57 (1st) (More stats HERE)
We all agree (those who are sane) that Tebow was an exceptional college QB. Even haters usually agree that he was a winner. One reason that Tebow has struggled in the NFL is because he is used to having a spread option offense. Urban Meyer was a genius to embrace his offense with Tebow's strengths. Josh McDaniel drafted him with a desire to use him in the offense. McDaniel said this about Tebow, "He has all the traits you look for. It's a good pick." Tebow was ready to prove the critics wrong and make his new coach proud. McDaniel is now gone and the new coach is not his biggest fan.
He is now the starting quarterback for the Broncos, but has yet to find his rhythm. Tebow is a polarizing athlete. He is both criticized and loved by the media. Imagine being in his shoes? If you do not win, you are ridiculed and you hear people say, "Why Tim Tebow will never be a good NFL Quarterback" or "Face it...Tim Tebow just isn't good enough."
People said that when he was in college and now they are saying it in the NFL. Whether Tebow becomes a high quality QB or not, he has consistently revealed an attitude of character. In my opinion, his example for Christ will impact many long after his football career is over. Tim will use every criticism as fuel to improve. Am I a little biased? Maybe. But I know his identity is not found in how great he throws or runs a pigskin ball across a field. His identity is in Jesus Christ and that truly is all that matters.
Do you think Tebow is good enough? I'd like to hear your thoughts! 

Football and Discipleship

But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:14-17.

The importance of discipleship is a key element to the Christian life. You probably ask the question, “Why should I learn about this?” The importance of knowing Jesus more in your life is the key to success in life. It is like this: two guys named Frank and Joe who went out to try out for a college football team. Frank had never picked up a football or had any experience, but he had watched football games on TV and thought it looked pretty simple. Joe grew up playing football and had spent all summer working out in the gym and practicing drills. Frank and Joe get to the field and Frank is dreaming of greatness on the gridiron, as Joe stretches and prepares himself for the strenuous tryout. As the tryout started, Frank started out doing alright, catching a few passes. As time went on Frank began to get tired and fell down on his back heaving for air. Joe began the tryout with preparation and a sense of confidence. As time went on Joe stood out among all the other players because of his dedication in the off-season.

Which person would you like to be on the same team with? Which guy was disciplined and was a leader on the field? The same concept applies to our life, if we expect to grow as a follower of Christ and expect to be immediately in the super bowl, you will be discouraged. The need of discipleship is an integral part of the Christian life, just like Joe preparing himself for the tryout. The way that I would define discipleship is to become more like Jesus. The real question is why should we do discipleship in church?

 Let’s look at 2 Timothy 3:14-17. Paul was writing to Timothy about being a man of God. How do we become people of God? Paul tells the younger Timothy in verse 14 about how it is important to cling to the truths of scripture without compromise. Timothy had the privilege of hearing the Scripture through his family. Timothy was not as strong in the Lord as Paul, but he had a strong foundation of faith. In verse 16-17, it talks about how scripture is given by inspiration of God. The best way to understand why we need discipleship is that our Christian life is nothing without the Word of God. It is God’s love letter to you as a believer. The word Theopneustos literally means “breathed out by God or “God breathed.” We need to understand as a church that the Bible is given to us as a guide to follow in life. Do we follow it and spend time in it? That is why we need discipleship in this church. Paul encourages Timothy in verse 17 to become equipped and complete to fulfill good works.

You might ask the question, what does this passage mean to us today? What is the big deal with discipleship, can’t we just meet, hang out and go home? Jesus came to save us from ourselves and our sin, once we receive the gift of salvation, the journey is not over. So how can we understand this in a clear way, what if you are on a hike through the woods and you could choose two different guides. John said he knew all the trails and did not need a map, but Sally had a map and compass to guide her group. Which person would you follow? Of course our answer is Sally, but how many times in life do we find the easy way out? Discipleship is allowing God's Word to guide us!

 Knowledge is a good thing, but it won’t have any affect on your life unless you apply it. The first thing you have to realize is that it takes a willing, surrendered heart to Christ for the church to become what it needs to become.We have the Guidebook ready to follow, but will we pick it up and act upon the importance of discipleship? If we applied the same passion we have for college football to following Christ, you would see changed lives! Do the small things by spending time with Jesus daily and following His Spirit throughout your day.